t w e n t y - s e v e n

386 14 0

based off 4.18
lose yourself


    After taking a break from S.T.A.R. Labs, Rae decided it was time to return. She knew she always worried them when she was gone for long periods of time, but she was keeping in touch with Ralph to let him know she was okay. She was walking into the building to see that Barry and Ralph were on their way out. 

     "Saturn, fancy seeing you coming into work," Ralph said as he was pulling on his coat. 

     "Very funny. It's called hiding just in case. Where are you guys off to?" she asked, raising her coffee cup to her lips. 

     "The car yard, looking on the 405 bus for anything we could use," Barry answered her. "You want to join?" 

     "Eh, sure. Don't have anything else to do," Rae shrugged. 

     "Great, I'll go start the car," Barry told them. 

     "Do you still know how to drive a car?" Ralph asked him. 

     "Of course," Barry said with a scoff. He jogged out of the building, Rae turning on her heels to look at Ralph. 

     "So, have you noticed the date recently?" Ralph asked, a wide smile growing on his face. 

     "No, something important coming up?" Rae asked, pretending like she forgot about their dinner date that was the next day. 

     "Oh, uh, nothing," Ralph said, shaking his head at her. "Nothing too important." 

     "Ralph, I'm joking," Rae told him. "I know that our date is tomorrow." 

     "Oh, thank the heavens. I thought you forgot," he said, placing a hand over his heart. 

    "Come on, let's not keep Barry waiting," Rae told him, nudging him slightly to go outside. They turned to leave, the elevator dinging again. They turned to see Cisco walking out, perking up upon seeing Rae. 

     "Oh, Saturn, you're back! I need your help with something," he said, motioning to the elevator. Rae and Ralph looked to each other, Ralph motioning for her to go with Cisco. 

     "I'll see you later," Rae told him. She leaned up and kissed him, Ralph not expecting it at first. He returned it rather quickly, Cisco fake gagging from across the room. They both pulled back, Rae turning and walking over to Cisco. 

     "Could you two not swallow each other for at least one second?" Cisco asked, Rae rolling her eyes at him. 

     "What is it you needed my help with?" she asked. 

     "Oh, I didn't want to help Harry with whatever he's working on so you're going to do it since you haven't shown up in a week," Cisco said with a bright smile. 

     "Very funny," Rae said, fake laughing at him. She entered the elevator with Cisco, watching the doors shut in front of her. 


     "That's the big news?" Cisco asked as Harry stood across from everyone now. Rae had barely helped him, and only watched Harry complain about Cisco blowing him off and sending her in. Now everyone was gathered in the speed lab for Harry's big presentation. "You're taking a sculpture class at the community college?" 

     "It's not art. It's science!" Harry said, speaking like a maniac on the word 'science'. "And as such, it is the thing that is gonna help us defeat," Harry pulled a tarp off a dummy that was dressed as, "DeVoe. Recall, if you will, the one thing that we've seen, nay, heard, that can actually harm DeVoe." 

Saturn ~*~ | RALPH DIBNY |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora