t w e n t y - t h r e e

366 20 0

based off 4.14
subject 9


     Rae parked her car outside of her apartment complex, climbing the stairs quickly. She opened her apartment and immediately walked to the back room. She had set up her own computer system back there, and hacked into the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite so she could track DeVoe if she needed to. 

    She typed in the last coordinates she had seen him at, beginning to monitor what Marlize had used to grab DeVoe from his spot on the ground. It wasn't a breach, it was something else. She just needed to find out what it was. In seconds, Rae's phone was beeping with an emergency alert from Team Flash. Izzy had gone missing as well. 

     Rae took a second as she stared at the alert, hating herself for what she was about to do. She grabbed a breach from the table, opening it to the location that had been sent to her. She didn't bother pulling her hood or scarf up as she landed on the ground behind DeVoe. She pulled the gun out of its holster, aiming for DeVoe's back. 

     "You're not going to hurt her," Rae seethed.

     "Miss Saturn, I wasn't expecting you to join us, given your current state," DeVoe said menacingly. 

    "She means too much to someone close to me. You knew this would happen," Rae said tilting her head at DeVoe. 

     "I'm afraid this isn't the last time we'll meet, Miss Saturn. And I find it adorable that you're willing to watch them two be happy, even it it makes you miserable," DeVoe said slowly turning to face Rae. "You should also know that that gun was never going to work on me." 

     "Oh, I know," Rae nodded. "That was never my intention." She brought the gun down as Barry sped in and grabbed Izzy. 

     "Saturn," Barry said upon seeing her standing there. 

     "You poor thing," DeVoe cooed. She hit Rae to the side, the girl skidding across the ground. As she propped herself up on her knuckles, Rae could see Ralph holding Izzy by the arms. "I won't tell them, Rae. Your secret is safe." 

     "Ralph, I'll hold him off. You get the inhibitor on," Barry instructed. Ralph nodded as Barry began speeding to DeVoe. Rae barely paid any attention after that, only getting up and leaning against the wall from what DeVoe had done to her. Not only had he thrown her aside, but he'd definitely done the same thing he'd done to her the previous night. Right as she managed to stand up, Izzy placed the cerebral inhibitor. 

     "That'll teach you to mess with a country girl," Izzy said tilting her head at DeVoe. 

     "How did... Mr. Deacon put it?" DeVoe questioned. "Ah, yes. Call me Killgore." Rae stumbled to the ground again, grabbing her head as it still ached. 

     "Izzy!" Ralph yelled from where he stood. The two began to run to each other, Izzy running into the barrier DeVoe created. 

     "Ralph?" she questioned in a panic. Barry sped over to Ralph, putting a hand on his shoulder. 

     "Get her out of there!" Ralph screamed. 

     "Ralph, we can't," Barry told him. 

    "Get her out!" Ralph screamed. He punched the barrier, still getting nothing. 

     "We can't," Barry said grabbing him again. DeVoe appeared again in his chair this time, Izzy's eyes widening. 

     "Izzy, just look at me," Ralph told her. She looked at him, breathing heavily out of fear. Rae stood from the ground stepping forward slightly to watch the interaction. The claw came out of the chair, grasping Izzy's head and causing her to gasp in pain. "Izzy, keep looking at me." Tears formed in Ralph's eyes as he stared at Izzy's shaking body, Rae seeing the hurt inside of him. It's something she'd never seen Ralph look like before, not even for her. DeVoe laughed in his new body, pushing hair back. 

     "Much better," he cooed. He looked between Barry and Ralph who had tears brimming his eyelids. "Please inform Mr. Ramon that, while I had no need for all six of my powers, I now have a seventh. I'm afraid I'm gonna be busy with my wife this weekend, Ralphie." 

     "No," Ralph whispered shaking his head slowly. DeVoe walked to the chair, pressing the button and leaving out of thin air. Rae pulled the breach from her pocket, staring at it momentarily. The way Ralph looked now, Rae never thought he was cry for her. She didn't think she was worth the time anymore.

     So, she pressed the button, going through the breach quickly. She landed in her apartment, the sound of the breach closing behind her causing Rae's knees to hit the ground. For the first time that night, she'd began to son uncontrollably. It had all built up inside of her, and now it was all coming out in a way she didn't want it to. And there was only one thing left that she knew she could do. 


     A day had passed, and Rae had formulated her plan in her head. She was walking down the alley behind an old steel factory where there were any cameras, and no way Team Flash would find her here. 

     "DeVoe!" Rae called. "I'm here! Alone and unarmed!" She turned around in the alley, wondering if DeVoe would show up at all. "Now's your chance!" 

     "Miss Saturn," DeVoe stated. She turned to see DeVoe standing there, Izzy's face nearly throwing her off. Rae held her arms out, taking small steps towards DeVoe.

     "Okay, go ahead," Rae told him. "Do it. Take my body. You've won." 

    "Oh, you don't get it, do you?" DeVoe asked taking small steps towards Rae. "Miss Saturn, I don't need your body or your powers." 

    "What?" Rae asked confused. 

    "Not right now, at least," DeVoe said with a small shrug. 

     "I'm giving you the chance to kill me and take me now, and you're saying no?" Rae asked pointing to herself. 

     "But, oh, Miss Saturn, you have so much to live for," DeVoe said placing a hand on Rae's cheek. "Or you did." 

     "Why are you doing this?" Rae asked shaking her head at DeVoe. 

     "The world needs to be enlightened, Rae," DeVoe spat at her. "And this is the only way how." DeVoe began walking back to where he entered, turning to Rae. "Oh, and do tell Ralph I say hi." 


y'all :(
poor rae :(
my little heart :(

anyways, i hope you enjoyed!

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