t w e n t y - e i g h t

351 15 0

based off 4.18
lose yourself


     Everyone changed back to their normal clothes, then gathered in the Cortex to go over the final bus meta-human. 

     "All right, guys, say hello to our last known bus meta, Edwin Gauss," Iris announced, pulling him up on the screens. "As we know, there's not much on him. No college history, no known addresses. Just a couple of backpacking photos on an old message board." 

     "Old? Flip phones are old," Cisco commented. "This site is from the age of dial up. Try prehistoric." 

     "No digital fingerprint. Everything this guy owns is strapped to his back. He was off-grid before he was even a meta," Joe said in slight shock. 

     "That, and his powers are the reason we couldn't find him," Iris continued. 

     "And why there were 13 heat signatures on the bus, including the driver," Caitlin said. 

     "Cisco, the way he appeared and disappeared-" 

     "Pocket dimension," Cisco said, cutting off Barry. 

     "What? Like-Like the DeVoe kind?" Ralph asked, sounding scared. 

     "No, like the Edwin Gauss kind," Cisco informed him, pulling up stats on all the screens. "You see, pocket dimension, like the one you see here, are unique to their users. Just like DeVoe can only enter or exit his, Gauss too is limited to his own pocket dimension." 

    "So, why does DeVoe need him?" Rae asked in confusion. 

     "Well, DeVoe uses his chair to create pocket dimension," Iris told her. "If he has Edwin Gauss's powers, he won't need it anymore." 

     "Then we need to catch Gauss first," Joe said promptly. 

     "And we will," Harry announced as he entered the room with his Thinking Cap in hand.  "Little late. Just tweaking the cap. Now, listen, locating this meta is not a task that we have to accomplish. Why is that, Harry? I'll tell you why. It's because we already have." He pressed a button, the map of the pocket dimensions pulling up. "Yeah, this is the map that we constructed of all the pocket dimension activity throughout Central City." 

     "Right, but that's when we thought all the pocket dimensions belonged to DeVoe," Caitlin said, looking to Harry. "Now we won't know whether they belong to him or to Gauss." 

     "And figuring out those distinctions, I'm sorry, but that's too big even for your britches, Harry," Cisco said with a small scoff. 

     "My britches are plenty big, okay? I fill my britches," Harry defended himself, Rae snickering at his words. "Watch this, okay? By simply tracking the two lanes of identifiers, cross-referencing the, uh, fluctuation migration patterns and the temporal displacement in the energy app, and I give you Edwin Gauss's pocket dimension activity." They all looked at the much smaller map now that had only about six dots instead of over a hundred. "'Ahhh, Harry. Harry is amazing.'" 

     "Yeah, let's all just split up and search each one for Edwin Gauss. Barry, you take Caitlin and Ralph, and I'll go with Cisco and my dad. Harry-" 

     "I'll go with you," he offered. 

     "No, I was thinking that you could just... You would stay here and hold down the fort," Iris told him. 

     "Okay, I'll tweak the cap," Harry said, walking out of the room quickly. 

     "You didn't give me an assignment," Rae said, raising her hand. 

Saturn ~*~ | RALPH DIBNY |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz