t w e l v e

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based off 4.10
the trial of the flash


     Joe had called Ralph and Rae back to where the DeVoe's were staying now, saying he needed something from them again. They didn't quite know, but they had to go otherwise.

     "If there was an award for crocodile tears by the most emotionally manipulative widow, Marlize, definitely top three," Ralph said as they approached Joe. "Let's snap something more damning than a lip lock."

     "We're not here for that," Joe said, the three approaching the front door. "Can you do your gross stretchy thing and slip inside and open the door?" Ralph didn't answer for a moment as he looked at the bag Joe was holding.

     "Those are carpet fibers," he stated. Rae looked to the bag as Joe didn't answer. "Those are from Allen's loft, aren't they?" Ralph stood then, turning to Joe. "You're gonna plant evidence to frame Marlize."

     "She was the only one that could have planted DeVoe's body. Fibers on the treads of her shoes places her at the crime scene," Joe told them. "This is the right thing to do, Ralph. Just open the door, I'll do the rest." Ralph hesitated for a moment, even Rae not liking this.

     "Okay," Ralph nodded. Rae's head snapped to him in confusion, thinking she was the only sane one left. "It's a solid plan, Joe. Subtle, but it's crafty with a touch of pathos. After this, you're gonna sit back and kick up your feet and sleep as sound as a millennial after Burning Man because you did the right thing. You took down a bad, bad chick."

     "Ralph, could you hurry up?" Joe asked impatiently.

     "And you're gonna ride that feeling like it's Space Mountain," Ralph continued, Rae catching on with his plan. "And then when they catch you and they take your badge and your gun, that self-righteous indignation is gonna keep your chest puffed and your chin up because you did the right thing. Sure, you're gonna be made for a few years, but that fades. It evolves, turns into self-pity. A few more years, and... your life is gonna be a shell of its former self. And then, one night, it's gonna dawn on you that you did the wrong thing. It's gonna ruin everything. Your colleagues won't talk to you, your friends have vanished. And your family? It'll be like... Like you were never born." Joe glanced at Ralph in guilt, but Rae stared at him with sympathy in her eyes. She felt terrible for him because he was describing his exact experience. "Because you have become the very thing that you swore to protect them from."

     Ralph stretched his finger into a key, the door swinging open slightly. He looked back to Joe with a bit of shame on his face now, nearly angry that he had to tell Joe everything.

     "Any who... Good luck with that," Ralph told him. He picked up his things, walking off the porch and back to his car. Rae turned and watched Ralph walk out, then glanced back at Joe.

     "You wanna give a speech?" he asked. She shook her head slowly, looking to him.

     "No," she answered. "But... Good luck, no matter what." Rae turned and walked to the car, getting in the passenger seat next to Ralph. She looked over to see his jaw clenched as he only stared out the windshield. "Ralph, uh..."

     "Can we not talk about, Saturn?" Ralph asked. Rae nodded slightly, buckling herself in. Ralph pulled away from the house, going back to S.T.A.R. Labs.


     Rae walked into the cortex to see Cisco gearing up, Caitlin on stand by for Killer Frost. Harry was hunched over the monitor as security footage played of a man walking through the street.

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