food poisoning

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Lloyd woke up with Kai snuggle into his chest. Something Kai does kinda on instinct. Lloyd wanted to lay there and snuggle with Kai but he wasn't feeling good. All of a sudden he gagged and knew something was wrong. He quickly hoped up and flipped over there bed and Stella's crib and landed quietly on the floor as to not wake them up. He then got up and walked to the bathroom as quickly as he could. He got to the toilet, bent over and started puking. Kai woke to the feeling or lack there of Lloyd. He heard some noise in the bathroom. And walked towards the door as quiet as he could so he wouldn't wake Stella. When bee got there he saw Lloyd bent over the bowl puking. Kai quickly turned on the fan and walked over to him. "Are you okay Lloyd?" Kai asked a little concerned
"yeah. I'm fine, just have minor food poisoning." Lloyd said. "minor food poisoning? When did you get that?" Kai asked. "the restaurant we all went to last night to celebrate our engagement and having Stella." Lloyd responded. He slowly got up a few minutes after convincing Kai that he would get over it soon. He walked out of there room and went to the dining area to grab some breakfast for him and Kai. As he was walking back Lloyd suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He walked to there room and opened the door. "Hey babe? Are you okay with being here without me for a bit?" Lloyd asked. "Sure. But where are you going?" Kai asked. "To the doctor. I want to make sure this food poison isn't something to worry about." Lloyd responded. " Alright. Just stay safe." Kai said placing a quick peck on Lloyd's cheek. Lloyd kissed Kai back and placed a light kiss on Stella's forhead before he exited the room and took off on his dragon.


"Mal. My dear friend! Long time no see." Lloyd said. A girl with purple hair wearing a purple gi walked up to him. "Long time indeed. What do you need?" Mal said. " I need you to check something for me...." Lloyd said........


Alright so there is the first official chapter of the third book! If you haven't read the first or second book go read them now or you might be a little confused. I just wanted to say you guys better hang on cause the next to books are going to have you on the edge your seats. (Hopefully). I have a lot planned for this book. And if you haven't already noticed by the description. So something deadly happens to Lloyd. So there is that to look forward to. To see what happens to our beloved Lloyd. And also the next chapter will be a quick sneak peek of the new character I just added Mal. Alright that's it for now so I guess this is goodbye until the next chapter!!! Hope you guys enjoy!!!!!

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