Dress picking.

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"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon! I am not going to be wearing a dress to our wedding!" Kai said in protest. " Oh come on. You'd look so pretty in one." Lloyd said."I'm still not wearing one." Kai said. Lloyd then walked over to Kai and wrapped his arms around the short brunette and rested his chin on the top of his head. "But just imagine it. Imagine the lace top and the long puffy silk bottom. And the veil? Just imagine it." Lloyd said. "Damnit Garmadon boy you got me hooked. Let's go get me a wedding dress. "Nya. Come on! We're going shopping!" Kai said excitedly. "What are we going shopping for?" Nya asked. "Wedding dresses!" Kai almost screamed.

"I think this is the one.

"Then let's go buy it and out it in a dress bag before Lloyd gets back to see it

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"Then let's go buy it and out it in a dress bag before Lloyd gets back to see it." Nya said. A few minutes later they bought the dress and quickly put it in a black dress bag. "Babe! I got the best dress!" Kai said.  "Can I see then?" Lloyd asked. "Uh no. Not until tomorrow." Kai said. A few minutes after looking at some more dresses they finally decided to leave. "Your going to love seeing me in this tomorrow" Kai said.

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