Is it a Boy or a Girl?

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Six... Lloyd was now six months pregnant and was getting dressed for a doctor's appointment. Now, of course, he knew that he could have gone to the doctors to get his ultrasound when he was six months pregnant but things got complicated with his sickness. So you know spending 3 months in the hospital because you had a coughing fit and lost 30% of your blood, you don't really have time for ultrasounds. While he was in the hospital for those three months he had coughed so much that his throat was raw and his vocal cords were severely damaged, So Alisa put him on a very STRICT no talking order to make sure that he didn't damage his vocal cords. But now that's he's had time to recover Alisa decided that he can speak, but only a few words. 

Lloyd was standing there in the lobby of the hospital, he was waiting for Alisa arrive to take him to the ultrasound room. A few minutes passed and she still wasn't there, he began to think he got the date wrong. "Hey! Sorry, I'm late I had to set this kids writ back in place. Poor thing, he was four and broke his wrist. Anywho, let's go find out the gender of this baby." Alisa said. They started walking to the room, but as they were walking Alisa's pager went off she looked down at it then looked up with a puzzled expression on her face. "I'm being paged for another Garmadon.........Kai's here!" Alisa said alarmed. "What??" Lloyd whispered. "You head to the room and I'll see why kai's here." She said. Lloyd hesitated because he wanted to know why Kai was at the hospital. "Go... I'll make sure he's safe and not dying. I promise." Alisa said. Lloyd nodded his head and they both parted ways. "Paging Doctor Stonewell to the O.R. I repeat Paging Doctor Stonewell to the O.R." A nurse said over the hospital's intercom. What was a speed walk turned into a full sprint when Alisa heard that afraid that Kai was in need of surgery. Seconds later she reached the doorway to the stairwell, she knew she didn't have enough time to take the stairs one step at a time so she kept running. The door flung open as she ran into it, she put her hand on the cold metal railing and hoisted herself up and over it. "NINJA GO!" she yelled as she fell, as soon as she did a light black tornado engulfed her and she quickly but slowly fell to the bottom of the building. As soon as her feet touched the floor she took off running again heading straight for the O.R. Minutes later she arrived and went through the door. When she did what she saw was not what she expected. On a table was Kai holding a small 3-year-old Stella in his arms. "What's going on here?" Alisa questioned with a small smile on her face, but it quickly faded when she saw Stella's face. It was covered in blood and she had a huge cut across her forehead. "My god what happened?!" Alisa questioned alarmed. "Jay happened......" Kai replied with an annoyed look on his face. "Oh. That makes sense. Well from the looks of it her cut has stopped bleeding, so all we have to do is clean all this blood off sterilize the cut and then put some gause and medical tape on it and that should do it!" She said as she put on a pair of gloves.

Alisa walked back to the ultrasound room where Lloyd was and prepared the stuff. "Don't worry. everything's fine. Stella just got a small cut from Jay on accident. Nothing serious, it won't even scar." She said reassuring him. She lifted his shirt and squirted the jelly onto his abdomen and moved the device around. A few minutes later a small heartbeat could be heard. Alisa looked at the monitor and smiled. "Congratulations Lloyd it looks like your having a baby boy!" She said happily! Lloyd celebrated quietly, then gave Alisa a hug after she gave him a towel to wipe his belly off. He couldn't wait to tell Kai and the others the news.

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