Wedding day part 2

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A few more bullets were fired and everyone started running out. "Here. I came prepared." Mal sad as she pulled the ninjas weapons out of her dress.
"How the hell did you get these all to fit Into your dress?!" Jay asked. "No time for questions! Just fight! " Mal shouted. Then all of a sudden a bunch of bullets were fired at the Ninja. They all surprisingly were able to dodge them and started fighting the black clothed people. "Damnit this is supposed to be the happiest day if my life and it gets ruined by some masked shooters!" Kai said as he punched a guy. Mal roundhouse kicked a few more guys and then ran over to Jay and Nya. "You two go. Protect Jay's parents. We've got this." Mal said. They tried to object but didn't when they witnessed Mal kick a guy through the churches concrete wall. "Cole go protect you dad he's probably in trouble." Mal said. He agreed and ran off to find his dad. Mal then ran up to Zane and convinced him to go protect misako for Lloyd. "Lloyd Kai!! Leave, you need to go protect your daughter." Mal said. " But everyone else needs our help." Kai said in protest. "Just go protect your daughter!! You don't want her to end up dead." Mal said. Kai and Lloyd  looked at each other then ran off to go find Stella to protect her. "Alright bitches. It's just me and all you idiots." Mal said.
Lloyd and Kai arrived outside the church and were met by the other Ninja. "what the hell? Why are you guys out here?" Lloyd asked. "Mal told us to come out here to protect everyone. We had no idea she told everyone else." Nya said. "well we have to go help her. She can't hold all of them off on her own." Jay said. They all made sure the guests were safe then ran back inside........

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