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Hours later Lloyd woke up on the couch with Kai on top of him asleep. Lloyd grabbed his phone that was laying on the carpeted floor next to them and he checked the time, 8:45, was what it read. They slept later than they usually did. Not wanting to wake his husband up Lloyd laid there waiting for him to wake up. About an hour later Kai slowly woke up. "Morning sleepy head. Do I make a comfy pillow?" Lloyd said with a slight smile. "You were a good pillow, although there was a weird lump. I think you should get that checked out." Kai said groggily. "I'll make breakfast if you wanna make coffee." Lloyd said. "Deal, and then afterwards we can get ready for Ice skating with everyone later." Kai said. "Okay. I'll call my mom and see if she can baby sit Stella while we're on the ice." lloyd said. The two got up and off the couch and started their day together. They both walked into the kitchen Kai heading to the coffee maker they had and Lloyd heading to the fridge. A few minutes later Lloyd closed the fridge door and turned around with a jug of milk, a carton of eggs, and a container of raspberries in his arms. He set them down on the counter then walked over to their pantry and opened it up grabbing a bag of flour, cooking spray, salt, vanilla extract and powdered sugar. He placed those on the counter, grabbed a lemon, and some measuring cups and spoons, as well as the blender. "What the hell is all of that for?" Kai asked. "Lemon raspberry crepes. Thought we could have a nice breakfast this morning, we really don't have to be with the others immediately." Lloyd said. "I guess you're right." Kai said. A few minutes later Lloyd finished the crepes and they sat down for breakfast. "These crepes are delicious babe, you really should cook breakfast more often." Kai said after a few bites. "When Stella and this kid are old enough to wear underwear and not have accidents and we don't have to buy diapers or pull ups for them is when I start cooking breakfast more often." Lloyd said. A few minutes later they finished breakfast and cleaned up. While Kia was in the nursery changing Stella Lloyd was calling Misako asking if she could watch Stella while they were on the ice. Non surprisingly she said yes, and that she wasn't going to ice skate and that they could stay on the ice for as long as they wanted. They both quickly got changed and packed their stuff into their car and drove off towards the bounty. "It's so weird that we're driving to the bounty in a car since we usually fly on our dragons" Kai said "Yeah. But it is better than having to be in the freezing cold air with extremely cold wind blowing on our faces." Lloyd responded. Kai agreed remembering how often he had to warm everybody's faces after they came back from a mission or fight during the winter, it always took him so long to warm everyone's faces up because they were always frozen to some extent.

(timeskip because I'm lazy and I've been meaning to get this chapter published since summer.)

Everyone had their ice skates on and they were skating around on the big frozen lake enjoying the relaxing day they had. Everyone was having fun and amazed at the amazing stunts lloyd was doing while six months pregnant. Then all of a sudden a huge crack made its way across the lake splitting it in half. "GET OFF THE ICE!!!!!" Nya yelled and everyone scrambled to get off. Mal was about off when she saw a big group of people trying and failing to get off the ice with it's worsening crack. "I'll be right back. They can't get off!" She said to the others. She turned around and quickly skated off. Everyone watched her glide across the ice with great speed and ease helping the other people get off the ice quicker. She got the last person off the lake and was about to step off once again but was stopped when she heard a terrible shriek. "LLOYD!" Kai screamed. She turned around and there was Lloyd in the middle of the lake the ice cracking towards him. Once again she took off but going faster than normal. Soon she reached the middle of the lake and raised he hand in a fist. "Sorry about this Lloyd." She said before punching him in the back and sending a wave of temporal energy into him which launched him across the lake to the ground on the other side where he somehow landed safely. But right as he landed the ice cracked open and Mal fell through. "MAL!" The others shouted. The area fell silent as everyone looked at the frozen lake and the gaping hole that showed the  water that had to be below freezing. 

A new life.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora