Afterword. By M.M

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Hello old friend.

It's been awhile hasn't it?

You, me, and the last page. Heh

You know. I never thought that it would come to this.

I never thought that we would leave each other so soon.

I knew that our adventures together were going to come to an end at some point.

But not like this. Not this early.

Do me a favor though.

There's this couple sitting alone in a room together.

Watching some movies and playing some games.

About to have some fun.

Go to them for me would you?

Tell them that their life is about to get hectic.

Tell them that someone new is going to enter their life.

That they're going to make a decision that will change their life forever. In a good way though.

Tell them that they're going to go through some dark times and they will have to face it without the other one to help them.

But tell them that through it all they still love each other and that their friends do too.

They make it through and move on living their life happily together.

Tell them that they lose a close friend that helped them through the tough times and even saved one of them, but they learn to cope with it.

Goodbye old friend.

And see you around.

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