Enter time keeper...

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Mal was thrown back and slammed into the dj set they had for the after party later and American woman started playing. She stood up with a pissed look on her face. "Alright that's it!!!! I am no longer fighting in this damn dress." She yelled. She started walking forward and her dress slowly started to turn into a tux as she walked. When she stopped she was standing there in a full tux with a clock in the middle.
The Ninja got to the entrance of the altar and saw Mal standing in a tux with a gold aura around her. "The hell?" They all said. Then all of a sudden Mal flung her arm out and a pocket watch shot forward and went through a guys chest. The evil guys pulled out their guns and started firing. Mal snapped her fingers and all of a sudden all the bullets stopped and just sat there frozen in time.  "Do you really want to fight me?" She said in a kind of dark voice. A bullet shot past her and hit another guy. They all ran towards her but she held them off. She stood there with all the bad guys laying around her dead or injured. She looked up and saw the Ninja looking at her. "Oh shit........" she said.

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