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(So the ending of the last chapter where it had Mal's POV was actually a flashback. It was her POV to when she got pushed through the portal and where she ended up. Sorry if it confused anyone!)

"What happened to her?"

"I don't know. She appeared out of thin air, asked me where she was, and then passed out"

"Did she say anything else?"

"No. I told her she was in olden Ninjago City and then she blacked out before I could tell her the year"

"She told us she was immortal and couldn't be harmed. How the hell did this happen?!" 

"I don't know. I think we should get Maya. She might be able to heal her."

"Agreed. I'll go get her."

"Hurry back!"

"I will!"

I bolted up in the bed I was in breathing heavily when a wave of pain rushed throughout my body making suddenly regret what I did.

"GAH! Ow........." I said.

"Goodness Gracious!" A woman said.

She slowly helped me lay back down on the bed me groaning in pain the whole time

"Kaylee?" I said looking at the woman.

"Yeah. How are you?" She asked.

"I feel like as if I was hit with a whole planet a thousand times then was stabbed 43 billion times with a knife as hot as the black sun in the corvixen system." I said.

"Dear god. Well don't worry Kat should be coming back soon with Maya to see if she can heal you."

"Okay. If someone can heal me I know it's Maya." I said.

A few minutes later Kat walks through the door of the building I'm in Maya close behind.

"Oh good god! Mal are you okay?!" Maya said when she saw me.

"Nope. Carleven pushed me through a portal and it messed up my powers and injured me so now I can't get back to the present." I said.

"Wait. Your brother is out of the prison you trapped him in?" The three girls shouted in shock.

"Yes and he's most likely taken over ninjago and is torturing the citizens as we speak." I said.

"Well then. I'm wasting any time." Maya said.


"I don't understand this." Maya said.

"What don't you understand?" I asked.

"Your injuries. I've tried everything but they just don't go away. It's like they don't even exist." Maya said.

Suddenly it hit me.

"That's it!" I said.

"What's it?" Kat asked.

"These aren't my injuries! They're injures on time!" I said.

"Huh?" They both questioned.

"I'm surrounded by time's essence. These injures aren't on my body. They're on the essence surrounding me." I said.

"Okay? But they're still hurting you, and I still can't heal them" Maya said.

"I know how to heal them." I said.

"How?" Maya asked.

"I don't have time to explain. I just need some help getting there" I said.

*Another timeskip cause my motivation is running out*

"What the heck is this place?" Kat asked.

"The reason why I came to earth." I said as we approached this giant fountain that had gold looking water flowing from it.

"What the heck is flowing from it?" Kat asked.

"Time. In its physical form." I said.

"Maya. Take my pocket watch and place it on top of the fountain." I said.

Maya grabbed my pocket watch from where it hung on the belt I was wearing and placed it on top of the fountain. The golden liquid suddenly stopped moving then turned purple. It started to flow backwards and up towards my pocket watch.

"Alright. I need you guys to let go of me." I said.

"What?! Mal you're not strong enough to go anywhere on your own." Maya said,

"If you don't let go of me then you'll be brought to the future and that will mess up the timeline immensely" I said.

"FIne." Maya said. 

They both let go of me and I slowly made my way towards the fountain. Once I was close enough I slowly reached my hand out and touched the purple liquid. And in an instant I was gone.

I arrived back in present day ninjago city. All of my cuts were healed and I was standing normally. I looked around me and I was shocked to see what the once beautiful busy city was now a barren wasteland....... 

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