It was never finished

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(I'm sorry I haven't been posting in awhile. It's just I've been sooooo emotionally tired for a few weeks now and It's been depleting my will to do a lot of stuff lately.)

Lloyd and Kai were both lying in bed together listening to some music and reading books. the music was at a low volume and was soft and quiet. It was cafe music so it was calming and the perfect music to listen to while reading. When Lloyd set his book down and looked over at Kai.

"We never actually finished our wedding." Lloyd said.

"What? Of course we did." Kai responded setting his book down.

"No We didn't. We almost got married when Mal smashed through the wall and that whole fight broke out and we found out she was the time keeper.  After all of that was done we sent everyone home. We never finished our wedding. We aren't actually married." Lloyd said.

"Oh my gosh you're right! What are we going to do?" Kai exclaimed.

"We're going to have to tell everyone that we never finished the wedding and that we aren't actually married and then we need to have the wedding again and hope that another fight doesn't break out." Lloyd said.

"How are we going to tell the others?" Kai asked.

"I don't know. It's going to be an interesting conversation with the others." Lloyd responded

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