It's mine now.

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It's been three months and Mal still isn't back from where ever Carleven sent her to. Ninjago city fell. Carleven proved to be way too powerful and easily beat the Ninja's, after that he took over the city and turned it into a wasteland. The buildings were turned to rubble the houses burned to ash and everything was terrible. He overwhelmed everyone with all of his powers and without Mal their to fight him it wasn't hard for him to do it. They ended up just handing the city over to him and allowed him to do whatever he wanted to do with it.

Everyone tried to fight him and take back the city but he always defeated them with ease. Everyone was losing hope, even the Ninja's were to. They had no reason to think that Mal was returning or that they were going to be able to defeat Carleven. Everything was lost.

"It's mine now." Carleven said.

"I've beat you all before and I can do it again. So why the hell are you guys here?" He said.

"We're not here to fight. We're here to ask you what the hell you did with Mal. You never told us what happened with her. She's our friend we deserve to know." Kai stated.

"Ugh. Fine. The portal I opened and pushed her through was a portal that led back a few hundred years. She's stuck there because the portal messed up her powers and she can't create a new portal back to here." He said with a smug on his face.

"Why would you do that?" Cole asked.

"Because with her out of the equation I easily was able to take over the city." He replied.

Mal's POV


"Ow...." I groaned in pain.

What the hell happened? Last thing I remember was fighting Carleven then he pushed me through something. Where the hell am I? I saw a woman walk by my vision blurry I tried to keep my eyes focused on her.

"Excuse me ma'am?" I called.

She looked my way and quickly ran over with a worried expression on her face. At least I think she's worried.

"Oh my gosh what happened to you?" She asked.

"Can you tell me where I'm at?" I said.

"You're in olden Ninjago city. The year is....."

Blackness suddenly enveloped my eyes and my hearing faded I fell to the ground with a loud thud. Seconds later I was out cold.............

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