Talk to us...

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It was a little while later and Mal was in her room on the bounty. The other's were worried for her because she was gone for so long and then suddenly appeared on the bounty's floor unconscious. They cleaned up her cuts and laid her on her bed. When she woke up most of her cuts were closing and bruises were beginning to show up all over her body. She stayed in her room for hours just sitting quietly on her bed it wasn't until she got hungry that she actually left her room. The others were already in the dining area eating whatever they found for lunch talking happily amongst each other. Then Mal walked in and the room fell silent. Everyone looked at her with concerned expressions on their faces. She had disappeared and then six months later she suddenly comes through a portal unconscious and covered in blood, cuts, and bruises. They looked at her, She was in a black tank top and skinny jeans. Cuts and bruises covered almost every visible inch of her body, and they knew that under her clothes were more. She walked over to the counter and grabbed a small plate of sushi and a pair of chopsticks then walked off. "Hey Mal? Aren't you going to eat with us?" Nya asked. "We have a seat for you." Lloyd said. Mal kept walking she was too depressed to talk to anyone. She walked to her room and closed the door behind her then sat on her bed. She slowly ate the sushi spacing out as she did, her mind kept going back to the downfall of Cayoshia. The war, The deaths, the destruction.  She did everything she could to make sure at least some of her people survived but in the end, all of her efforts were for nothing. She was the last of her people and no matter what she did nothing would change that. She was taken from her thoughts and brought back to reality by Lloyd asking if he could come in. She stayed silent and just sat there, she really wasn't in the right state of mind to be talking to people, especially her friends. "I'm going to come in..... Just say something if you don't want me to." He said. He waited a few seconds to see if Mal would reply but nothing was spoken. He slowly opened her bedroom door and walked in. He looked at her, she was staring blankly at the wall her plate still had sushi on it it looked like she only ate 4 pieces and she had about a total of sixteen. "Hey..... I uh........ I thought you might want to know that we're here for you. whatever happened wherever you went must've been terrible and that we're here if you want to talk to us." He said calmly. The room was quiet as they just sat there. he waited for an answer from her but didn't get one. "Just talk to us please...." Was all he said before she motioned him out of her room. He got up and looked at her one more time then left.

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