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Once again I'm writing this at a really late time at night! And I should be asleep but I'm not because yeah. For all of you people that want to become writers and make writing a serious part of your life fair warning this is what comes with it. Staying up really late because you suddenly had an idea for your book and you want to publish it and your like it's only this one part but you end up staying up until like six in the morning and you've written like 82 chapters. This is the life of a writer. Anywho! This part is obviously going to be fun facts about the characters!!!! All of the fun facts are ones that come from the lives of the characters from my book. I came up with them none are actually canon.

Number 1: Lloyd actually grew up and met the ninja's normally. He was not aged into a teenager because of the tomorrow tea!

Number 2: Nya doesn't join the team until a year after Lloyd joins and becomes the green ninja. 

Number 3: Cole and Jay used to be in a relationship. Until a few weeks after they had some fun in bed that Jay started showing pregnancy symptoms. This scared Cole and he ended up ending things with Jay. Saying he wasn't ready to be a father and was sorry he got him pregnant in the first place. Jay actually took it well and completely understood and was fine he wanted to end things. A few days later Jay went to the store and bought a pregnancy test when he took it the results came back negative. When Cole found out about this he was happy and actually wanted to get back together with Jay but at this point Jay was with Nya and the two were happy together so Cole decided to leave them be. Sometimes he wonders what his life would have been like if Jay was actually pregnant and the two stayed together.

Number 4: Lloyd and Mal were born on the same day. She thinks that because of this Lloyd was able to survive that hell her essence created on accident so much longer.

Number 5: Mal's real name Haveneka is actually pronounced Haven-eka. When her parents were deciding what her name should be they thought it should be bold and kind of deceiving. So they put the commonly used word Haven which meant Safe place, and good together with Eka which meant in her people's language fake or trick. So together her name actually means a fake good being. Meaning on the outside she may be nice and people might feel safe around her but when they get close enough she attacks and reveals it all to be just a trick.

Number 6: A virus was accidentally released in Ninjago to mess up the reproductive system of the males in the city but because of their elements the virus was altered when it entered their bodies and so Lloyd, kai, Cole, and Jay could get pregnant.

Number 7: Even though she has the power to Mal has never looked at the timeline and history of the human race on earth. To her she's just there to protect all of time. She doesn't really care for it.

Number 8: ( this one really isn't a FUN fact just kinda interesting.) Lloyd was actually tricked by some boys at his old middle school to be fucked by them. And because of this he never trusted anyone for quite awhile and refuses to be a bottom when he has sex with someone. Until one night Kai convinces him to do it once and well.......... look where that got them.

Number 9: Nya and Amber used to date until the two called it off because they were both too busy to put any time and effort into a relationship together.

Number 10: Kai was actually apart of the group of boys that fucked Lloyd in middle school. But didn't attend because he was to busy having to do homework, cook, and raise Nya. Looking back on it he's glad he wasn't apart of that group of boys because he wouldn't be with Lloyd the love of his life.

Number 11: In an alternate timeline that Mal accidentally saw while sleeping, Stella ends up forming an empire and turns Ninjago into her kingdom. There everyone actually likes her a lot and she seems to have become a strong independent women.

Number 12: Kai has had 4 different boyfriends after the virus was released. Surprisingly none of them got him pregnant. Which is a good thing.

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