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Lloyd and Kai were both in bed cuddled up next to each other asleep. Ever since Lloyd started taking that medicine Alisa gave to him His cough has lessened and he isn't constantly coughing up blood. They lived almost normal lives together, most days and nights were pretty low key for the couple... But tonight was not one of those nights. As kai dreamed of Mal coming around and going to the future for the technology that could save him Lloyd had a more concerning dream to put it nicely.

Lloyd was standing there in the midst of a terrible storm. He stood there with two energy balls in his hands the storm grew stronger. The wind grew stronger, soon three huge tornadoes surrounded him, he looked around seeing if there was a way out but there wasn't one. He heard a sickening laugh that he recognized almost immediately. "Well Well Well. If it isn't that stupid little green ninja I possessed all thoughs years ago......" The voice said

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