How we came to love each other

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Don't worry people. The book isn't over!

(This is how Lloyd and kai started dating all those years ago.)

Kai was standing there looking at Lloyd training. Lloyd accidentally tore the sleeves off on his Gi a few days ago but he didn't have an extra so he had to wear that until a new one was made. To the others it seemed like Lloyd really did accidentally tear the sleeves on his Gi off. But to kai it was like he tore them off just for him. Just so then he could see the big sexy muscles that were apart of his arms. Ever since the first day they met Kai had a crush on Lloyd. He tried to confess his love to the taller boy but every time he did they got interrupted or he got nervous and ran off before he could even start walking towards the boy. But he was done waiting now. Today was the day he was going to tell Lloyd how he felt about him.

He walked out onto the deck of the bounty where Lloyd and the others were training. He walked up to Lloyd and tapped his shoulder. 

"Yeah Kai?" Lloyd asked as he turned away from the punching bag he was using.

"I have something to tell you" He said nervously.

"Hey Lloyd can you come here real quick?" Cole shouted from across the deck

"Sure! Kai can you hold that thought for a sec?" Lloyd said then  walked off.

"Sure...." Kai said then walked off.

Lloyd helped Cole with his problem then walked back to the punching bag to talk to Kai but he wasn't standing there anymore. He wondered why the brunette left, he seemed like what he wanted to say was very important to him but he just left. He pushed it aside and went back to training.  Later that day the ninja's were in the living room area getting ready to watch a movie. Kai walked into the room and looked around trying to find a seat. All of the seats were taken except for one on the couch. But if he sat there he had to sit right next to Lloyd, and he didn't think he could manage sitting so close to him. But it was the only option besides the floor which was quite uncomfortable. With no other choice Kai walked over to the couch and sat down right next to Lloyd. 

"Hey kai." Lloyd said.

"H-hey." Kai said nervously. 

As they watched the movie Lloyd slowly moved his arm behind Kai and placed it on his shoulder, this made Kai blush a deep deep red and a little nervous. He didn't know how long he could stay like this, being this close to Lloyd was driving him mad he wanted to turn to the taller boy and confess his love to him but he didn't think Lloyd liked him. Sure he knew that Lloyd was gay but he didn't know if Lloyd liked him.  

Lloyd sat there with his arm wrapped around Kai he was surprised Kai even was letting him do this. Every other time he tried Kai moved away so he thought that Kai didn't like it or him to some extent. But for some reason Kai was letting him do this. The two made brief eye contact before Kai quickly looked away.

About an hour later the movie was over and everyone got up and cleaned the living room. Then they all went and sat down on the deck to watch the sunset an get ready for the meteor shower that was to start around seven o'clock. This time Kai had a lot of area to sit so he felt a little more at ease. He took a seat next to Jay and the two started to have a small conversation for some reason this made Lloyd jealous. He got up and walked over to Kai and sat down next to him. Kai got nervous again and started to blush. He couldn't handle it anymore so he got up and left. He walked over to a far corner of the bounty and sat down again. The others looked at him while he did this and wondered who did what to offend him.

The sun set and the meteor shower was over and everyone was picking up the blankets they brought out and was taking them back to there room and were getting ready to head to bed. They all went to bed except for Kai and Lloyd, the two were left on the deck standing there in silence.

"Sorry I just forgot my other blanket." Kai said then walked passed Lloyd quickly.

"Hey. You were trying to tell me something earlier.. Actually I know you've been trying to say something to me but you've been interrupted multiple times and then you leave while I'm distracted. Everything good?" Lloyd said.

"Y-Yeah. It's nothing important now that I think about it." kai said.

"Kai. Don't say that it's nothing when it's obviously important to you." Lloyd said.

"I promise it's nothing. It's just something stupid." Kai said walking off.

"Don't say it's stupid it obviously means a lot to you." Lloyd said.

"It's nothing." Kai said.

"Tell me!" Lloyd said.

"I'm in love with you!" kai suddenly bursted out.

"What?" Lloyd said.

"I'm in love with you Lloyd. I have been for a really long time and I know you're gay but I'm like your brother to you and it must be weird for you." kai said.

"It's not. I've loved you too for a long time." Lloyd said. 

Lloyd grabbed Kai's arm and pulled him close to his body he leaned down slightly and the two kissed.

"You're mine now hot shot." Lloyd said after he broke the kiss.

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