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Kai and Lloyd were sitting on the couch watching a movie with Stella in Kai's arms. The small 2 year old would occasionally move before she fell back asleep again. Lloyd got up to go get a few more snacks for them and went to place a quick kiss on Kai's cheek but coughed "ew babe you got spit on my....." Kai wiped his cheek with his hand but when he looked at his fingers they were covered in blood. "Ka-" Lloyd could barely get Kai's name out before he started coughing up more blood. "Lloyd!!" Kai said quickly setting Stella down and then running over to his husband. He helped Lloyd up and quickly walked out the front door, immediately as they were on the front porch Kai formed his elemental dragon and hopped on then helped Lloyd get on.  "Hold on." Kai said looking back at Lloyd who was still coughing blood. They quickly flew off in the direction of the hospital. A few minutes later they landed in front of the hospital, Kai picked Lloyd up but almost collapsed under Lloyd's muscle weight. "I need help. He won't stop coughing up blood!" Kai yelled. A few nurses rushed over to them with a gurney and laid Lloyd down carefully. "Someone page Stonewell!" A nurse shouted.

A peach skinned woman standing tall at 5'9 was in a dark room helping some doctors with the removal of a cancer tumor. She was there just in case the patient started to flat line when she heard a beep. She looked down quickly not paying much attention to it, but she stopped and read the whole message when she saw the name Garmadon. "I have to go I have another patient I need to take care of." She said then ran out of the doors and down the stairs as fast as she could.

She reached the lobby and saw blood on the floor and Lloyd on a gurney. "KAI!" she yelled. "Alisa!" Kai shouted glad his friend who he trusted with his life was there. "The hell happened?!" She asked as she reached them. "He got up to get something and then start d coughing up blood and he hasn't stopped since." Kai said. Alisa looked at Lloyd with a worried  expression on her face. "Let's get him to the MRI room quickly!" Alisa shouted to some nurses who were standing by. They grabbed the gurney then quickly ran to the MRI room. "Get him on the table quickly." Alisa said. "You know I thought the next time I would see you two would be for an ultrasound." She said trying to make Kai laugh a little and he did. "Promise you'll save him Alisa." Kai said with a slightly shaky voice." I will. I saved your life while you were on the verge of death. Now it's time for me to save Lloyd." She responded. "The results are back......" She said after a few seconds of silence. "What's wrong with him?" Kai quickly asked. "Are you sure you want to know?"Alisa said. "If it regards the life of my husband then yes." Kai responded. "Well.... "


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