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After having learned to face the pains of my past and to develop some survival techniques, I had not yet finished learning, life was full of those Snakes and evil people, but by now you know it because you saw it with your own eyes.

There will be Snakes who will try to manipulate you and hurt you, especially if you show weakness and don't take the responsibility to live your life and respect you because you will be their perfect prey.

I know it's tiring, but you always have to be alert and create emotional boundaries and walls to defend yourself because even if it's not nice to admit it there is little kindness and you have to learn to become your best friend. If you don't respect or save yourself, no one will.

Think of all those women or people ruined by them or how they ended up in horrible situations just because they trusted their fake friends or bent over to the group to not be excluded, but eventually they ended up lonelier and sadder than before.

Remember that if you start to doubt yourself, you will easily be the victim of the most dangerous Snakes, such as the Bossy or the Hunter Snake, who are just waiting for a misstep to hurt their victims.

After I began to defend myself, I began to feel respect for myself and to see how my life was improving, thanks to the decision to be stronger and to make my happiness important.

Another survival rule is to put your happiness first.

"It's not selfish to put yourself in the foreground, but if you do, you'll always know what you want, and you won't be at the mercy of some bad person."

"It's not too cruel to be that cold and don't care about the others?" - said Marilyn.

Silene adds with a serious and straightforward voice

"Don't let confuse you by saying that you are mean and cruel. They are the first ones that they want to ruin you and your life. You are your only savior and rescue. Remember that as the air that you breath."

Now I'm trying to tell you the possible tactics to make it in life, remember to learn them quickly because when you're dealing with adult life, there's hardly much time to think, You have to defend yourself now and do it most effectively.

A little patience, Marilyn, and you'll be ready to defeat your enemies. »

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