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On the run, Marilyn managed to lose track of the Bossy Snake along the way. She decided to hide in a safe place to be sure that the Snake wouldn't find her.

In this pause, she managed to think straight. She still couldn't explain why that white light had come for her, or where it came from. It was sheer luck that she escaped.

The images of her new savior kept rotating through her mind.

She knew that she had to keep fighting until she won, but how could she do it?

She was alone against a world made of cruelty and pure evil?

Her heart was still shaken and angry, discovering that Silene, the one who she believed was her friend, had been not only a Snake but she belonged to the upper ranks of the Snakes.

She cried for losing her friend. She had nothing but the sleeves of her dress to wipe away her bitter tears. Inside those drops of salt water, there were all the pains, frustrations, and betrayals she had suffered

All doubts returned, and her mind was damning to find the way out of that tangle of evil thoughts.

To win the battle, she would need a strong will power. Without a calm and strong mind, she would certainly lose again.

Besides, she didn't even win against the Queen of Snake yet. The other Snakes were hard enough, but she still had to face that leading Snake to truly win the battle.

To do this, Marilyn had to get rid of all doubts in her mind. That was a choice she had to make, and the stakes were too high to find excuses not to succeed.

Other thoughts kept popping up and tangling in her mind, and she wasn't seeing where her footsteps were taking her at all.

When she finally looked around, she realized that she ended up on a path that led to a forgotten place. Marilyn read:


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