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06/28/19   1:25 pm  (11 hours till zion's birthday)

i want to throw zion a surprise party for his birthday tomorrow. but before i can start getting stuff, him and i need to talk. he walked out yesterday after he assumed i was gonna cheat on him. thats the only thing thats been on my mind all night. he didn't come home last night, unless he did and didn't come to the room. when i woke up he was home. i had grabbed some leftovers and he went up to the room. val saw the way we didn't speak and asked if we were okay. i told her what happened and she thought it was stupid too.

i look at the time and its 1:27. i need to talk to him now so i can go get stuff. im not nervous to talk to him because it was a misunderstanding, what im more mad about is that he walked out when i clearly told him that i i spilled juice on my shirt. gunnar wasn't even in the room, and if he was i would've told him to step out so i can change.

so, i make my way to my room. zion was laying on the bed playing fortnite. he looks at me then looks at the screen. i sitting down on the bed, behind him.

"are you streaming?" i ask.

he shakes his head, 'no'. simba comes out from my closet and jumps on my bed. he comes to me and i start to pet him. i watch zion as he plays. there were 4 more people left playing, he was playing duos. i'll just wait till hes done. i play with simba. he almost rolled of the bed, i laughed. i hear guns shooting, i look at the screen and see that zion won. he put his controller down and went on his phone.

"so you gonna talk?"

"about what?" he asks, keeping his head down.

"yesterday, what else?"

he looks back at me, "nothing happened, you said you spilled juice."

"yeah but why walk out the house like that? did you come home last night?"

"i fell asleep on the couch."

"where did you go?"

he turns his whole body towards me, "nowhere."

"so you leave the house for hours and you went 'nowhere'?"

"kimberly this isn't an issue anymore. i said i trust you."

"why did you assume that i just would cheat on you like that? thats why im mad. im mad because you think i would do that, and you walked out. i barley got sleep because i was worried where you were. when i did fall asleep, i woke up in the middle of the night and looked next to me to see if you were there. you weren't. i dont like that, especially if i dont know where you are." i sighed. simba walked over to zion.

"i remember when you and him were so close, and when he left you barely spoke. and he came back, i didn't know what to think. i thought you guys had a thing back then-"

"i would never leave you for someone else. if i didn't want to be with you then i would've left, but im right here. and i gonna tell you the truth. gunnar and i did like each other, but that was the past. he was the only person who i was able to get close with. he was my best friend, and when he left, of course i was hurt, but he came back and i just wanted to catch up with him. sure him and i had texted here and there but not like a full conversation. zion, him and i were never a thing. we never did anything, i promise. i just missed him."

he didn't say anything. i can see where he's coming from but i still don't ever want him to think that i would cheat on him.

"im sorry." he said. "i went to nathan's yesterday. i didn't do anything. he wanted me to smoke but i didn't. i knew that you wouldn't like it. haley was there so i just spoke to her. i hadn't seen her in a while."

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