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"kimberly wake up."

as i started to open my eyes, i see maggie and austin in top of me. i close my eyes again then open them. they move away and i push myself up off from where i was laying. i started to look around, there were cups on the floor. crumbs everywhere from the snacks. i turn myself around and i see brandon and nick cleaning up. then i see zion at the dining table with his head in his hands.

"wheres val and edwin?" i ask as i rub my eyes.

"they're still asleep."

"how do you feel?"

"my head hurts. what happened?" i say, i try to push myself off the floor but i feel weak.

austin and maggie help me up and move me to the sofa. i sigh and clenched my jaw, fuck my hand hurts.

"you don't remember anything?"

i squint my eyes as i look up and see nick standing next to maggie.

i shake my head, "my throat is really dry."

"i'll get you water." austin leaves to the kitchen and comes back with a water bottle. he hands it to me and i open it.

"what happened?" i ask them again, i drink from the bottle.

"well, you fought sammi." maggie says.

"and my bitch won." i hear. everyone turns and see valerie walking down the stairs.

"valerie you were fighting too." nick says.

"okay, but i was just helping kim, sammi started it." val shrugged and walked to us. she sat next to me and put her arm around me.

"i fought sammi?" i raise my eyebrows.

"tell her why it happened." zion speaks. i glance at him and then back at the people standing in front of me. the three were just looking at each other.

"well shit, i dont remember so what the fuck happened?" val asks.

"uh," austin starts.

"you kinda," nick says.

"you fucking kissed giovanny."

i turn and see zion walk out the front door. i look back at everyone and they were looking at me.

"i did?" i ask them.

they all nod.

"uh, i dont remember seeing that shit." val says.

"you were busy with gilinsky." nick tells her.

"makes sense." she nods.

"how- why?"

"after you saw sammi walk in you started to drink more, and you're very lightweight. i had told you to slow down but you kept telling me that it was new years. even gio tried to stop you, you just didn't listen. then you saw that sammi had pulled zion out back. they were gone for a while-" nick started.

"i was outside too with brandon. him and i were both glancing at them. they were just talking and laughing. then people started counting down from inside. everyone who was outside ran inside." maggie continued.

"kimberly," austin looks at me, "he was rushing to you. he basically had pushed everyone out of the way, but you weren't looking for him. you had gio in front of you, then you went for it. he saw, and when i had pulled away from ansley, he had just stood there looking at you. he told me that he was waiting for you to realize what you did. he was waiting for you to turn around and see him standing there, but you didn't."

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