t h i r t y s e v e n

893 23 5

pt. 1


"excuse me sir, but do you know that you just drove through a red light, then didn't stop at a stop sign."

"i'm sorry officer, i guess i blacked out for a few seconds."

"you guys look young, so i wont give you ticket, just a warning."

"thank you, we promise it wont happen again." i said.

"of course, have a good rest of your night." the officer said and walked back to his car.

zion and i looked at each other and smiled. then giggles escaped our mouth.

"shh." i say still giggling.

"you sh."

how did that happen? well, zion and i probably did crazy things that night. we did stuff that caused us to end up where we are now. not talking.


12:50 pm

zion just ran into my room and asked if i wanted to go with him to just drive. i said okay & now im changing into some jeans and a shirt. he said it was fine what i was wearing, which was shorts and a tank top but knowing him he actually wouldn't be fine with it. he didn't say where we were going.

i walked back downstairs and see that the front door is open.

"he's outside." nick said who was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"alright, i'll see you later." i say and walked out the house closing the door behind me.

i got into the car and zion was turning on his bluetooth. he looked at me and smiled then looked back at his phone.

"you are so pretty." he says.


"you're so pretty."

"thank you." i laugh.

"so we're going to get food, go to the park to eat, then go to the arcade, maybe play mini golf there."

i smile, "for what?"

i glance at zion and he shakes his head, "no reason i just want to be with you."

my smile grows bigger and my cheeks start to hurt. i go on instagram and click to post a story.

i look at zion again, "are you sure? like its not anything important like an anniversary for something and i forgot?"

he laughs, "kim you think i would remember a date for an anniversary? i just want to spend time with you." he says keeping his eyes on the road.

a lot has happened since my party. after that week we had two more parties, for val and austin. we chilled for september, then the boys filmed and released me necesita with cnco. which was amazing i love those boys. we had a halloween party where zion and nathan fought after i told zion about what nathan has said to me. then just a week ago we had a party for nick's birthday. now, here we are. zion wants to spend time with me, which im glad about because him and i haven't really been alone together in a while.

relationship wise? everyone is still pretty much ;) together. brandon with maggie. austin with ansley. val and jack stayed together. zion and i are doing good.

as zion continues driving i turn in my seat and hold my phone up.

"smile." i say.

zion smiles while looking at the road, i smile and take a picture.

"thank you @mandy_kuwonu_ for this man. i love him so so so much"

i post it to my story. i put my phone down and sit correctly in the seat. zion pulls into a mcdonalds drive thru. i smile as he puts his window down.

"hello, what can i get for you today?"

"uh, can i get number 5, the combo and a number 1, the combo."

"and for the drinks?"

"pepsi and the tropic berry sprite."

"okay, any sauce?"

"uh just sweet n' sour."

"okay, you're total is $14.23 at the next window."

"thank you." zion says and pulls up to the window.

"you for real know my order?" i ask.

"of course, i know it by heart." he says as he puts his hand over his heart.

we got our food and we started heading to vista hermosa park. this park was the first place where zion and i had a full conversation. everyone had came here the day after i had moved in and just chilled. i went up to zion, since he was shy to talk to me. we talked about what we wanted to do in life. he asked me about dancing, and after that i taught him some moves he uses today. which you know, im not bragging.

zion parked the car and he opened the trunk. he takes out a grey blanket. he closes the trunk and looks at me, he smiles.

"you planned this?"

"kind of, it was kinda last minute." he says.

we walk to a grassy area and he stretches the blanket out. i set the food on the blanket and we sat down. zion takes out his phone and hold it up.


"what?" i ask, tiling my head.

"you're so fucking cute." he says.

i laugh, "shut up already."

he takes a picture of me and giggles. he puts his phone away and starts eating. we were quiet for a few minutes. kind of just enjoying each others presence. then zion looks at me.



"what would you do if you got pregnant?" he asks.

i froze, "i-i dont know. why?"

he shakes his head, "just thinking."

"do you- are you thinking about becoming a dad?" i ask. he stays quiet. "cause, zion, we do need to talk about this."

"i dont know. i feel like i would be scared. i know it's painful and i wouldn't want you to be in pain-"

"where is this coming from, z?" i chuckle a bit.

"i had a dream that you were pregnant. we had our own house and everything. we were decorating a nursery and it was blue, for a boy. then we went to the doctors and they told us that we lost him," he says, "you started crying, and i didn't know how to help you, i didn't know what to do. i don't want that to happen. like i want to have a family with you because i really do love you but fuck, that scared me."

i reach my hand over to his chin. i lean and place my lips on his. i pull away resting my forehead on his.

"i love you too. i want that with you, it was dream okay? it wasn't real. one day we're gonna have a kid of our own. a-and it'll be healthy, its okay."

he leans his head on my shoulder and i wrap my arms around him.

"okay." he mumbles.


okayyyyy hiiiiiiiiiiiii

yes this chapter is short but i really wanted to post something since i did tell some people i would post soon.

i just wanna say thank you literally so fucking much almost 80k reads. i really fucking appreciate it sosososososososo much 😭😭😭

im not as active on this app as much but i will try to be again! also, i love reading you're guys comments, i see each and everyone's and they're so funny to me 🥺 ilyyy

so yeah, im sorry for not posting i will try to post more again 🥺

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