Chapter 26

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Elayna's POV

I am so happy me and Nash are back together. Picking Cam was the wrong choice and I don't know why I made it.

After Nash and I returned to our room, we instantly fell asleep. Him holding me in his arms. Wow did I miss this.

I had the weirdest dream tho.


I was sitting all by myself in a dark room.

It was so cold.

I heard noises. I realized I was tied down to a chair.

I heard a males laugh. Cameron.

He walked into the room and told me I was not worth it, the struggle.

I was crying and he had a knife.

He then spoke "I'm sorry but this is the best thing for the both of you."

I was by myself. What did he mean by the both of us?

He stepped closer and closer with the knife. He kept mumbling how he was sorry and it was for the best.

He was about to stab me. I screamed and--------

Nash was shaking me awake. My face was stained with tears and I was sweating. Before I could do anything I ran to the bathroom. I puked my guts out.

The whole time Nash was holding my hair back telling me it was gonna be okay.

After I was done puking, Nash got me fresh clothes and wiped off my face. I then brushed my teeth.

Nash finally spoke "Do you wanna tell me what happened in your dream?"

If I wanted us to work I couldn't keep small secrets like this.

So I explained everything. Nash told me it was just a dream and it met nothing.

I thought to myself, Why did I puke?

I then agreed it was because I was nervous and sick to my stomach about that dream.

That's it.

At least that's what I was telling myself.

There was doubt in my mine.

I need to talk to Alex. I don't really know Lydia yet so I'm gonna speak to Alex first and we will see where this goes.

Alex's POV

My phone started blaring "Lipgloss" by Lil Mama. So my phone was ringing.

It kinda scared me and it sure scared Matt. He tightened his grip so hard on me I thought I might suffocate.

After we laughed for a few seconds I realized I should probably get that.

The collar ID popped up.

Retard La Ba Da Ba Dingy Dong. That's my name for Elayna besides Elayna Mc Bayna.

I answered and she wanted me to come over and said it was urgent. I told Matt girl problems and he didn't even want to know.

I didn't bother changing. I just went to Elayna's room and she answered the door.

Nash was out. Okay we could finally have a girl on girl conversation.

I love the guys but they are always around. Anyways I went in and she explained everything.

I think I knew what was up. I was scared for Elayna.

I just couldn't say it without choking.

"Elayna, we need to run to the store really quick."


She was so scared that she was clueless.

"We need to buy you a pregnancy test."

The tears started flowing from her.

Then before you know it I was crying to. I'm scared for Elayna.

I can't imagine how she feels.


OMG THE FEELS. This is sure getting interesting. Thanks Lovelies💗Comment, Vote, Like, and the Usual👌

How do you even feel at this point?

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