Part 2, The Plan

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                                                    Kacy's pov (btw it is still in the past right now)
They came and took me in the night, just like I knew they would. Since me and Korra are identical twins they don't know that they have me instead of Korra, I hope they don't find out before they should. I know that they're going to find out later though, it is part of my plan after all. We've been on the road for hours, I wonder where they're taking me, I'm getting tired, hopefully no to much longer. The farther they take me the better though. The farther away they take me the longer it will take them to get back to Korra,  after I trick them into thinking I'm not the avatar. They don't konw that I'm also the avatar, this weird thing happened where Rava kinda like split in half, going inside of both of us instead of just one.

Sounds like they're slowing down, that means we're almost there. Great, I'm not a very good actor. Good thing I already miss Korra, bocause of that I have tears streaming down my face, now I just need to pretend I have no clue who they are, because Korra is so very naive.
Present day
Here we go time to put my plan into action, Mako, Bolin, and Asami are in place, if I don't hurry this up then Korra will come and it will fail. Nobody but my adoptive family knows where I am, and even then I only told then right as I left so that they couldn't stop me.

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