Part 8, The Search Begins

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Korra's pov (yes, I'm finally starting to switch pov, also still present time)
"Korra sweetie, I know it's alot to take in, but you do in fact have a twin." My mom told me that yesterday, they lied to me for most of my life! Worst of all, I never have even met her, and she has already risked her life for me. I wonder how she so convincinly pretended to bend more than one element. Every single red lotous member "knows" that she is able to bend both earth, and water, which is impossible because there is only one avatar, and thats me.

Me, Asami, Bolin, Mako, and Sue all went to a cafe in republic city, hoping to figure out what to do about my twin. "Have you seen anyone who looks like Korra come by recently?" Bolin asked our waitress, of course since we are trying to keep this on the down low, both me and Mako kick him under the table. After our waitress leaves we start discussing plans, trying to come up with a good one. "Maybe we could have the airbenders go around town looking for her, they have actually seen her." Mako suggests, but it's a bit to obvious if the airbenders are suddenly swarming the city. "No, it's to bold of a move, someone would notice somethings up, plus she convicingly pretended to be me, she could be anyone in here for all we know." I think it's just my imagination, but as I said that the waitress flinched. We dicuss more terrible plans, and finish up. As we're leaving Sue says that we need to wait outside for her because she needs to do something inside. It's really weird for Sue to act that way, but since she asked we go out and wait.

After a while I start getting anxious, "If she doesn't come out in the next five minutes I'm going in." I say, what the heck is taking her so long? When she finially comes out her mouth is turning slightly more down than usual, and I can see a tiny crease between her brow. What happened in there that suddenly changed her mood in there? "Hey, Sue what did you need to do in there, that took so long?" I say, hoping for an answer, but instead Asami teasingly says, "Ya, Korra started to worry." Sue just kinda laughs it off, and pretends nothing happened, she is usually a open book, why is she keeping secrets now?

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