Chapter 16

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A week later....
(Nobody 's POV)

Jasmine was standing by the bathroom door trying to convince herself numerous times not to cry. She kept trying to fight back her tears but couldn't keep them in any longer as she let out a low whimper. She got sum tissue and wiped her eyes as more tears ran down her face. She walked down the hallway to her bedroom. She swung the bedroom door open as she wiped her face.

"Why are you treating me like this Tray" she asks him walking in the bedroom where Tray was standing. He sat down on the bed running his hand down his face . He didn't answer her but he kept his attention on his phone .
"Trayvon " Jasmine said as her voice kinda cracked. She wiped her face as more tears ran down her face . Tray face softened once he seen her crying.

"What you crying for Jas" he said

"Because the way you've been treating me the past week . What did I do Tray ? Can you just tell me so we can fix it please " she cried as she sat down beside him as tearing were screaming down her face. Tray looked at her for a quick second but looked away, it hurts him to know he's the reason she was crying .

"Why can't you look at me , please tell me what I did please " she cried as she wipes her face with the tissue she had in her hands. Tray and Jasmine just stares at each other without saying a word .

"Please tray " she softly said as she wrapped her hands around Tray hugging him . To her surprise he hugged her back. Tray felt all her tears running down his back because of the way they're positioned.

"Tell me what I did " she said still crying as she hugged him tightly.

"Stop crying Jas you didn't do anything it's me I've just been thinking about some things I fucked up , I fucked up bad " Tray says to her.

" Its okay I'm here I'm not gonna leave you I know you wouldn't hurt me " she says. If only she knew Tray just had sex with a girl last week after their little argument. The reason Tray been ignoring her is because he regrets what he did and he can't blame it on the liquor because he knew exactly what he doing . He just prays that Jasmine doesn't find out.

2days later.....
"We gon have to set this nigga Trayvon up he took what's mine away and I'm gonna get it back one way or another " a male voice says

" and I know exactly how we can do it" another voice says

"Okay talk to me" the man says rubbing his hands together

"I have this friend that just found out she's pregnant right but catch this she just had sex with Trayvon like a week ago so if we can just get him to believe it's his which he will considering he know what he did , that'll make Jasmine leave him alone for good and I can have him all to myself and you can get her" another voice said

"That's a good plan but I want her to feel the pain I felt when she left me and went to that nigga " the male said

Trayvon POV
I took Jasmine out tonight as a way to say sorry for my actions towards her a few days ago. Me and her are currently at a restaurant having dinner when she asked me sum . "Babe do you know her " she said .

"Know who " I said

"Some girl that's looking over she been staring at us for the longest " she said . I turned around and regretted it once I seen Taylor . SHIT! I just hope she doesn't come over here with no dumb mess. I guess I spoke to soon because she started making her way ova here.

"Heyy Tray" she says to me just ignoring the fact that Jasmine was right in front of me .

"Tray who is she " Jas asks

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