Chapter 23

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The next day..

Trayvon POV
I was laying across the couch listening to this nigga Xavier.

"Bro you need to get your ass up" he said throwing a few pillows at me.

" Chill out man" I said .

"Nah nigga you chill you ain't seen or talked to your daughter in 2 weeks and then you messed with that hoe that help mess up you and Jasmine relationship " he said shaking his head .

This nigga act like I don't know I fucked up , he ain't gotta keep saying it damn.

"I know I fucked up man you ain't gotta keep rubbing it in my face " I told him

"You so fucking dumb if Jas went and slept with somebody else you'd be mad as fuck "

"Yeah nigga the fuck I'll kill that nigga" I said .

"Exactly so why go do the same shit to her " he said .

"Ion know man " I said sighing.

"Bruh I still can't believe you went and had sex with that girl again knowing you supposedly got her pregnant already that's fucked up man " he said

" We didn't even have sex bruh all she did was top me off "I said to him

"Nigga that don't make it no fucking better . You were laying up with her while her ass taking pictures and shit posting it . You know her and Jasmine got fussing on Twitter " he said throwing his phone at me. I looked at the screenshots that Asia had sent him . That shit made me mad cause this bitch really said some dumb shit bout my child .

"She got me fucked up yo " I said throwing his phone back to him .

"Don't be surprised if you lost Jasmine for good nigga, get your ass up and go see your child" he said walking out the house.

"Damn " I mumbled to my self.

After thinking to myself for a while I understand that I'm wrong for what I did and Jasmine has every right to be mad at me for that shit with Taylor and for not seeing my child . I let my babygirl down again. What happened between me and Taylor was a mistake for real it happened after I left the mall that day after finding out about Jasmine miscarriage and a few days after that. I was caught up in the moment I don't know why I let her do that. But me and her did not have sex I don't even know why she posted that dumb shit but best believe she gonna see me for that slick shit she said about my child. I don't have a valid reason for not going to see Amour and I regret not going to see her. I would never want to try to abandon my own daughter. I know I gotta do right now I gotta change for the better. I fucked up real bad.

Jasmine POV
I was currently watching a movie with my babygirl when I heard the door bell rang. I got up and looked through the peephole seeing Tray. Oh now he wants to come by.

"What you want " I said folding my arms across my chest as I opened the door for him to walk in.

"I'm not even here to argue I just wanna see my daughter " he said walking around me.

" You wasn't so worried about seeing our daughter when you were laying up with another bitch so why you here now . That bitch must be so more important than your daughter huh" I said getting mad

I didn't even care if we were mad at each other but one thing you don't do is involve your children in whatever our relationship terms are so I'm mad as fuck he is gonna here what I gotta say.

"Tuh. So now you ain't got nothing to say , if I had went and fucked another nigga your ass would be mad right " I said . At this point I don't give a fuck if he gets mad he's gonna feel how I felt. He was still quiet so I just walked past him.

"Jasmine you ain't stupid stop fucking playing with me" he said .

"You know what fuck you Tray like for real" I know I didn't mean it but I was hurt a lot I'm so tired of Tray and all his bullshit.

"You really a piece of shit Tray you swore you wouldn't do anything like this but yet your doing it,do you really wanna be a deadbeat Tray cause honestly that's what your acting like . Your out here doing god knows what with all these hoes while our daughter is home crying for you " he turned around after I said that.


"Yeah she said here first words and all she's been saying the past few days is da-da and you know what I gotta tell her 'daddy isn't here right now baby' and she just continues to cry . You know you let me down Tray I mean I get we not on the best terms but damn you didn't have to take it out on our daughter you couldn't even call to see how your daughter is . While your laid up with the same hoe that cause all these problems in the first place. You really make me sick yo" I said .

He just stayed silent the whole time not even looking at me . I'm so done!

"You can see Amour but afterwards I want you to leave I can't even stand to look at you anymore you really showed your true colors so im done for real this time "I said.

I let him go over where Amour was . When she seen him her eyes instantly lit up as she hugged his legs . I just stood there watching as he picked her up . My heart is just broken ,I wanted us to be family together but I just had to accept that we'll never be a family together.

Jasmine ain't playing no mo! Tray was really wrong for that mann! But tell me what y'all think . Thanks for reading ❤️

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