Chapter 26

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The next day....
Jasmine POV
I was looking at myself in the mirror to see if my was looking right. I decided to say yes to Javon about the date . I heard my door open and close and I already knew it Trayvon cause he's the only one that has a key to my place since I changed the locks last month , I knew I shoulda ask him for that damn key back!

"Where you going dressed like that " Tray asks while standing by the doorway holding Amour.

I wish this niggaa get out my house.

"I'm going out anymore questions dad " I said sarcastically as I grabbed my phone reading the text Javon sent me saying he was on his way to the restaurant. I texted him back telling him I was on my way as well.

"Going out with who" he asked as he put Amour down on bed since she fell asleep.

I looked at him ignoring his question cause why is he worried about who I'm going with ?. I kissed Amour forehead . "I'll see you later mamas "

"You must be going out with another nigga" he said and I couldn't do nothing but laugh cause he sounded mad .

"So what if it is ?" I said back .

He then grabbed my wrist saying "Don't play with me "

"I'm not playing I'm done waiting on you to change I've been doing right by you since we been together and you ain't done nothing but treat me like another hoe on the streets so you don't play with me cause I told you I was done . You aren't nothing but my child's father , we are just gonna continue to Co-parent cause I'm not doing this with you anymore " I said as I snatched away from him.

"And make sure you lock up when you leave " I said walking away before he could say anything back.

I left out the house closing the door behind me. I got into my car , starting it up then pulled out my drive way heading to the restaurant me and Javon are having dinner at. When I arrive at the restaurant I parked then made my way inside . I smiled when I seen Javon standing by the entrance. I looked at him while walking towards him . He was looking fine.

"Hey " I said hugging him.

"You look beautiful ma " he said as he grabbed my hand leading us to the table in the back of the restaurant.

"Thank you , you don't look to bad yourself Javon" I said .

"Well ya know I try I try" he said making me start laughing at him as we sat down at the table .

"So tell me about yourself Jasmine " he said

"What you wanna know " I said

"Anything I'm tryna get to know you better" he said.

"Well I'm 19 , I have a daughter, my favorite color is pink , I have 1 sister , I'm a college graduate and my middle name is Mariah " I said .

"Wow how old is your daughter "he ask

"She'll be 9 months next week " I replied

"Damn ma you don't even look like you just gave birth " I chuckled

"I exercise a lot maybe that's why my SnapBack was on point ". Right before he could respond the waitress came to our table.

"Can I start you guys off with a drink " he said.

"Yes uh let me get y'all finest champagne " Javon said sounding proper

"Okay I can get that. Are you guys ready to order or do you need more time ?" The waitress asks. Javon looked at me and I nodded

"No we ready . Umm let me get the steak with mash potatoes and a side of lobsters tails ." Javon said

"I'll take the Caesar salad and the baked chicken breast with broccoli on the side " I said as the waitress wrote our order down.

"I'll be back with you guys champagne " he said as he walked away.

"So Mr. Ace tell me a little about you " I said as looked at him.

" I'm 22 , I have a son and he's 2. , my favorite color red , as you already know I'm a producer and that's pretty much it " he said as I continued to stare at him.

He so fine mann! Ughh get it together Jasmine.

"I mean I know I'm fine and all babygirl but you don't gotta Starr" he said popping his imaginary collar.

"I -uhh boy I wasn't even staring at you I was um looking at something behind you so" I said rolling my eyes .

"You don't gotta front ma I think you sexy too" he said making me blush. Before I could respond the waitress came back with our food . This shit looks goood !

okay Jasmine I see you girl 👏🏾!!Thanks for reading ❤️. Javon will definitely be making an appearance again

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