Chapter 22

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Jasmine POV
It's been two weeks since I had my miscarriage,I was depressed for a whole week but then I realized that maybe god knew it wasn't my time to have another child . I mean Amour isn't even one yet . So maybe it was for the best. Tray knows about my abortion now , I didn't get to tell him the way I wanted to but he knows.

So Tray texted me asking could we meet up at the mall so that's where I'm headed at right now. I pulled up to the mall then got out and unbuckled Amour from her car seat . We walked in the mall looking for Trayvon. I spotted him over by the shoe store. I walked over to him and he took Amour my hands.

"Hey baby daddy " I said smiling hard.

"Stop playing with me that ratchet ass name but wassup " he said mugging me. I looked at him then we both busted out laughing. That was until we heard this annoying ass voice.

"Well if it isn't the little happy family" Nikki says. I just ignored her and continued looking at these shoes. But she kept looking like she had something to say.

"Can I help you with something the fuck you keep staring at me for "I said

"Oh nothing just thinking about how I should of killed you when I had the chance " she said with this grin on her face.

" Yeah you should of but don't worry you'll get what's coming to you bitch" I said

"Aw you must be mad sis don't take your anger out on me because you killed your baby" she said laughing. My eyes widened when she said that cause how the fuck she know about my miscarriage.

"What the fuck she talking bout " Tray asks. I forget he was even behind me

"Oops you didn't tell him well I guess I'll help you out , your lil ole girlfriend aborted y'all baby last week." She said

"How -you stupid bitch" I said punching her in her face. Nikki swings but missed. I got on top of her and start sending blow after blow to her face . I heard Tray sigh then pulls me off her.

"Yo chill the fuck out bruh"he said

"No fuck that I was been supposed to beat her ass from when she helped get me kid napped " I said taking Amour from him then walking away cause I don't have time for Trayvon . Soon enough I heard him behind me as I got to my car putting Amour in her car seat.

"So you aborted my baby huh" Tray says

"Tray list-" I said but got cut off

"You know what fuck this you just a selfish ass bitch I don't even wanna be looking at you right now it don't matter what terms we were on that don't give you a right to abort our fucking -"

"TRAY CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME FINISH , I didn't abort our baby I had a miscarriage because of how stressed I was that's why I passed out that day at Kendra house " I said. I then heard Amour crying so I got in the back and picked her up outta her car seat.

"I'm sorry if i scared you mamas " I said rocking her so she'll stop crying 

"Jas I'm sorry baby I didn't know " Tray said

"Whatever Trayvon it's cool you know now I'll see you later " I said getting in my car starting it up . I seen him get in his car and pull off.

Flashback over....

Since that day I haven't seen or heard from Tray. I tried calling him but he doesn't answer so I just said forget it. I heard Amour crying so I left the kitchen and went upstairs to see her standing up in her crib crying. My babygirl took her first steps yesterday.

"What's wrong with mamas baby" I cooled to her.

"D-da " she cried. She's been saying 'da' for the past two days.

"Daddy isn't here right now baby " I said picking her up to go downstairs to make her bottle . It's crazy how Amour is only 8 months trying to walk and saying her first word. It's sad that her dumb ass daddy isn't around while she's crying for him. It breaks my heart because he let me down like it's okay if we're upset with each but the least you can do is come see your child like what kind of father is he becoming? I finished making Amour bottle then sat her on the couch while I handed it to her. I turned the tv on so she would be occupied while I finished these papers for school . While I was doing that my phone started blowing up out of no where . I ignored it figuring it was some emails or sum but it started going off again so I checked my phone. It was a bunch of notifications from Instagram and Twitter but the one from Twitter instantly caught my eye. It was a picture of Tray and Taylor in bed together!

@taylorbitchess: sis home looking dumb while I'm laying down with her nigga👅
@taylorbitchess: she a whole goofy ass bitch , broke ass probably sitting home with that bastard child right now🤢
          @iamjustjassy replying to @taylorbitchess : that's cute sis i was willing to let you slide with that other shit but once you mention my motherfucking child we have a problem!
       @taylorbitchess replying to @iamjustjassy: you seem mad sis go tend to that baby of yours and find her real dad bitch
        @iamjustjassy replying to @taylorbitchess: Nah sis you seem pressed but keep that same energy when I see you again!

I can't even deal with this shit right now while our daughter crying for him he's laid up with sum hoe. It's good tho now it's  I time for me to start doing for me& my child and get over Tray for good .

               Taylor& Tray ???👀
Jasmine is fed up ! What y'all think bout this chapter? Let me know .
Thanks for reading ❤️

Some of y'all might be confused with the baby name her name is Amour Chanel Lucas . Her last name came from Tray's side . Being that his real last name is Lucas but he changed it when he got older but you'll find out about that later in the book.

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