Chapter 19

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I woke up in a dark room with a pounding headache. I don't know where the hell I am. I tried to stand up but couldn't then I realized I was tied to a bed. I heard a door open then the lights came on and a tall,buff looking came in.

"Your a pretty little thing I might just spare you your life and keep you for myself " he said coming towards me touching my thigh.

"Stop touching me " I said above a whisper. Truth be told I'm scared but pissed at the same time .

"Don't resist my touch baby I won't hurt you as long as you don't do nothing stupid "he said. I rolled my eyes and turned my head away from him. I could hear people walking by due to the windows on the other side of the room it looked like they were painted black but as of now i don't care what happens but I'm gonna
make sure someone hears me.

"SOMEBODY HELP MEE "  I yelled. The man came over and punched me in the face.

"You just had to be the little stupid bitch huh , I guess I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson" he said .

"What do you want from me,I don't even know you " I cried.

"I want your lil boyfriend to die I want him to suffer he killed the only brother I had so I'm gonna take something from him which is you but since you wanted to obey me by yelling there's gonna be a change of plans so get-" he got cut by somebody else coming in the room.

" Aye king we need you out here boss " some dude said . The man that's known as King left out the room and I just cried wishing I could find a way out of here. King walked back in the room and came towards me with a knife in his hands .

"Now where were we " he said

"Please.....let me go " I said

"I'm sorry I can't do that babygirl " he says then brings the knife towards my arms. He used the knife to cut the rope off my arms and legs then he throw me on the bed and got on top of me.

"LEAVE ME ALONE " I screamed.

" Nah ma you obeyed me so I'm gonna teach you a lesson to make sure you won't do it again"he said while trying to take my pants off. I kicked and screamed but nothing got him off me I just prayed somebody would hear me.

"Shut the fuck up with all the screaming " he said punching me again . King forced himself inside of me and I just cried and screamed louder . I punched him trying to get him off but he just punched me repeatedly. After that I blacked out .

I woke up wishing it was all a dream but here I was still in the same dark room. I heard people arguing.

"King what the fuck bro that wasn't part of plan you were supposed to get her here then wait for that nigga Tray to come then we kill him you wasn't supposed to rape her nigga " a familiar voice said.

" Yeah well change of plans that bitch don't listen and why the fuck you getting so defensive i thought you wanted her dead just as bad as your girlfriend did so what's the problem now niggaa " King said

"Yeah babe why the change of plans all of a sudden " another familiar voice said .

"Look bruh you better hope she doesn't tell that nigga Tray what you did cause if she does your dead , stupid ass nigga you wasn't supposed to hurt her I just wanted to get her here so she could be mines " the first familiar voice said .

"She won't even get the chance to tell him cause he'll be dead " king said . When the thought of Tray being dead came across my mind my heart dropped idk what I'll do if something happens to him even tho I'm pissed with him I don't think I could live without him .

"Whatever I'll handle Killa you handle Jasmine " the second familiar voice said

"Yeah whatever get this shit cleaned up " I heard king say then the lights came on. And I was shocked with who I seen.

I cleared my throat and was faced with TyRell and that dumb bitch Nikki.

I'll do Tray's POV next chapter. But what y'all think about this chapter???
Damn TyRell was behind this the whole time smh ! Let me know what y'all think in the comments thanks for reading 💖

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