1- Violet

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Reaching the completion of college is such a big deal. When you're done with college, it is as if you are expected to move far away from where you've grown up. You have to see the world that you've never seen before. That you have to start your life somewhere new. Which I think is absolute bullshit. Some are also given the opportunity to branch out from the familiarity of home.

As a very famous line goes, "you are free little one", then the person usually lets go of the bird as it flies away. Such a cliché moment if I do say so myself. The bird then ends up flying away to somewhere new and beautiful.

But for me, that is not the case at all. Rather than setting sail on a different course to see new things, I returned. I've decided to return to the place that I had called home for as long as I can remember. I returned to the town for its familiarity.

I am newly engaged to the man of my dreams, Daniel, who just so happens to be a Jersey City Firefighter. A very successful one may I add. We honestly couldn't be happier at this point in our lives. There's nothing that I could think of changing. Everything is going very good for us.

Along with my engagement, I also just graduated from college and happened to land my dream job as a writer for The Star Ledger. Which is a very popular news outlet across the whole state of New Jersey. Landing that job as a writer was an absolute dream. I am so grateful that I snatched onto that opportunity

Obtaining this position at the news outlet was a dream of mine since the age of thirteen. I was always the odd child hooked on reading the articles in the newspaper with my grandparents. The first column that I would always read was the sports section and the advice column.

So, when I saw an opening for a position, I had to jump on that opportunity and apply. I was very fortunate to have found the position that I'm in currently at the office.

On top of those things, my fiancé and I have finally found the house of our dreams. It was made just for us. Everything that we were looking for was all wrapped in one. The house was right next door to my childhood home. This house was the most ideal place to move into for Daniel and I. The house is so close to both of our families and friends. Mine was literally next door and his was only 10 minutes away. It couldn't get any better than that.

We have always spoke about this moment since very early in our relationship. Settling down, getting a house, and possibly starting a family. This was our moment.

New Jersey was the place to begin our journey for the rest of our lives. So, we were definitely getting spoiled by having our families very close to us. We couldn't be more grateful to have found the perfect house and location.

To celebrate our return back home and everything that was going on in our lives, my parents decided that having a little get together would be great. Having my brothers family, my grandparents, and possibly some family friends over as well. It was something we always did whenever someone in our family was back in town.

Last time, it was for when my brother moved back for good from California with his family. Honestly, if my mom could host a party everyday, she would. She would love to have a party for the smallest occasion, let me tell you. And she always does the best job. She cooks the best food and provides such great entertainment. I swear, no one is ever bored.

Well with this party, all the eyes were set to be on Daniel and I for the whole evening. Which wasn't something that I was too fond of. I really would rather having nobody over or have a much smaller gathering. But, you've gotta do whatever makes your parents happy, right?

Now, was time for everything to get started. I put on my last shoe and headed towards our front door. "You ready to go over there babe?" I asked as Daniel was fixing his belt on his pants in front of the mirror in the hallway. "Ready to go." He smiled and pecked me on the lips quickly before opening the door for me then heading on out.

We walked over to my parents house and saw that my grandparents were just arriving. "Grams!" I said making my way over to her. "Oh y/n, look at you. You look gorgeous!" I hugged her tightly for the first time in a year. How I missed her so much. Being away was always so hard when it came to not seeing my family.

"You remember Daniel right?" I motioned to him, "Yes, handsome Daniel. I remember you." She said giving him a hug hello, causing us to laugh. She always loved him, from the very beginning of our relationship. The first time I brought him home, she said that he was a keeper. Turns out, he really was.

"What am I the chopped liver here?" I turned around hearing a voice. Revealing that it was my grandfather walking up to us. "Gramps..." I said on the verge of tears, hugging him. This man was one of my best friends. Well let's face it, he was my best and realest friend. "Oh I missed you y/n." He said pulling away from the hug and looking at me. Also as if he was trying to take in everything that he missed from the year I didn't see him.

"It's nice to see you again, sir." Daniel came up behind me and held his hand out for my grandpa to shake. Oh boy, I knew that he wasn't fond of him. But, I had no clue as to why. He was the opposite of my grandmother. From the very beginning, he always said that he gave off a bad vibe. "You too Daniel." He shook his hand before we all eventually headed inside.


"Y/n, can you get the door? The doorbell just rang." My mother asked me from the kitchen. She must have her hands busy with some of the food. "I'll be right back." Kissing Daniel's cheek before walking away from Daniel and my brother, Luke.

I walked over and opened the door. "Lisa? What are you doing here?" I looked at her confused for a second. "Y/n! Look at how grown up you look. You look gorgeous! How are you? I haven't seen you in ages!" She hugged me tightly, almost to the point where I couldn't breathe.

I can't say that I didn't expect it, because she has always been like that. I didn't know that she was coming here this evening. Why didn't I think that my mom would invite her best friend? How could I be stupid enough to forget? That means if she was to come here, they must be here as well. Nah, that can't be. They're living across the country. They never come back in town. Maybe they are?

Eventually, I let go of Lisa, stepping aside and allowing her to come into the house. It felt like the time had slowed down in that moment. The world was in slow motion and it was just us. The overwhelming sensation of having to vomit and anxiety took over my body in that moment. I looked up and saw them both standing there in front of me. To say I was shocked, is an understatement.

"Hey y/n..."

Hey guys! I hope you liked the first chapter of Man From Above. This is going to be a great book. I hope you all enjoy what lies ahead.

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