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Y/n's POV

We pulled up to our spot and it looked absolutely beautiful. Everything that I remembered from the years that we spent here. Grabbing our stuff and heading on over. I looked out at the crystal blue water that glistened in the distance and below us. Along the water was the little island we would swim out to sometimes. The whole scenery was breathtaking, it was just how I remembered it. Nothing had changed at all.

"Last one at the top has to drive home!" Grayson shouted. We all knew that driving home after spending the day here was the absolute worst. We were always so exhausted. We ran as fast as we could to the top, last one there was Cameron. "Damn it." She huffed putting her things down and sitting down. We joined right next to her. I sat to the right of Ethan and looked at our view. We were all silent and it was okay. The silence was definently all of us taking in everything around us. It was just like old times, all four of us hanging out at our usual spot.

I leaned my head against Ethan's shoulder, never breaking away from looking at the beauty of the water. "Why did I ever leave here?" I sighed. "I ask myself that sometimes as well." Grayson said. I could hear a little bit of sadness in his voice. "I never should have left here four years ago. I should've stayed. I missed out on all of this." I motioned with my hands and picking my head up.

"You know, after you guys left, I never returned here..." I started saying looking at their faces. "Why? You lived literally less than twenty minutes from here?" Grayson asked confused. "So this is your first time here in six years?" Ethan looked shocked. I nodded my head and sighed, "It hurt too much to be here. This was the place where we all went to together. All four of us, not one, not two, not three, all. Going here alone was painful. It reminded me that I was lonely and that I didn't have you guys. Sure I had a friend or two in school, but they didn't last that long." It grew incredibly silent, all that could be heard was the waves hitting the rocks. The birds that were flying over the water and us. All of the sounds of our environment, but nobody's voices.

"Y/n..." Ethan trailed on. "Nope, no more depressing shit." I wiped away the stray tear I had threatening to fall down my cheek. I got up from my spot and faced them. "Let's just have some fun today, yeah?" I said holding my hand out for Ethan to grab. "See you guys in a sec." Cam said jumping off and diving. Grayson soon followed doing a back flip off. "Ready?" I asked Ethan. "Totally." He smiled. It was always "our thing" to jump off together whenever we visited here. I remember the first time that we did it.


"Come on you guys, just jump already!" I rolled my eyes as I watched over the cliff to Cameron and Grayson in the water. "Nope, I can't do it. It's too high to jump!! I'll die Grayson!" I yelled over. "Just do it! You'll love it!" I peered over at the water that seemed like it never ended.

"Come on Y/n, you can do it." I heard from behind me. "No I can't Ethan. It's too deep." I retorted back at him. "I can't do it. Just leave it at that. Just like I couldn't jump off the high beam at the pool at school. I can't do heights." I sighed in defeat.

"Y/n, that's crazy. I bet Luke wouldn't be able to do this.." I looked at him like he was crazy. "Looks older than us, he would be able to do it." I said. "He's 18. We're 14 years old, Ethan. We're not adults. Adults can handle this. We can't!" I yelled starting to walk away.

"Y/n! Stop!" I was stopped in my tracks by hands on my shoulders. "You can do this. You're not a baby. I will put a hundred bucks on it that Luke can't do this." Ethan said all cockily, I looked at him confused. "Yeah and you know what? He is a pussy too." I looked at Ethan wide eyed.

"Let's do this." I said looking at him in the eyes, determined as ever. "Let's do this." He nodded. We both walked back towards the edge and looked at Grayson and Cameron getting out of the water. "On three okay?" I nodded.

"Okay...One...Two...Three." Ethan said and we both jumped over the ledge and landed in the water. Thus, the start of our tradition.

**End of Flashback**

After we resurfaced from under the water, I saw that Grayson and Cameron were already out of the water. Leaving just Ethan and I left in there. I looked at him and how his wet hair fell on his face. "You've got something on your face." I said to him as I picked off the piece of seaweed that was entangled in his hair. "Thanks." He said.

"Y/n! Ethan! Watch out!" I heard from above just as Grayson jumped off nearing landing on me. Grayson eventually resurfaced. "Jesus, Grayson." I said looking at him. "Yeah you dumbass, you could've hurt her." Ethan said slapping the back of his head. "Looks who's over protective of their girlfriend." Grayson smirked. What did he just say?

"What?" I asked him. "Oh nothing." Grayson said before swimming back leaving it just Ethan and I again. "What was that about?" I laughed at him. "Nothing, he's just a dickhead." Ethan looked upset. I decided to leave that at rest and not bother him anymore. "Come on, we should head back to them." I said just before we made our way over.

Ethan's POV:

"I think we should head out of here soon because it looks like it's gonna storm." Cam pointed out. The grey clouds seemed to be rolling in fast. "Yeah, let's go." I said as I saw lightning.

"Cam catch." I tossed her the keys. "Damn it, I forgot." She muttered. "I call shot gun." Grayson said running past me to the car. That means... I turned to y/n, "I guess we're in the back this time." She chuckled. We loaded up the car and headed in. Cameron and Grayson were having their own conversation about something pointless.

I looked over at y/n. Her hair falling on her shoulders and beginning to curl naturally. Her hands fiddling with the seam of her shorts, something she always did to fight from falling asleep.

"Are you tired?" I asked her. She turned her head towards looking at me confused. "How'd you know?" She said before yawning. "Well, that for one and I'm your best friend I can read you like a book." She shook her head laughing. "And you're never wrong Ethan Dolan." She smiled inching closer and leaning her head on my shoulder. "If I fall asleep on you, I'm sorry in advance." She said to me. "Like I'm not used to it." I chuckled.

If only we could stay like this forever. Having her right beside me felt right. She didn't know it, but I adored her. The way she had scrunched her nose when she smiled. The way she'd tuck her hair behind her ears when talking to you. It took everything in me to not kiss her when we were in the water together. I was falling hard for her and I couldn't help it.

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