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Y/N's POV:

I pulled into the driveway and noticed the Daniel's truck was not here. That's weird? I got out of the car and walked into the house. I placed down my bag on the counter and looked to see if there was any notes left on the fridge. We typically left notes on the erase board if we were going somewhere.

I saw the note, "Left for my shift at work. Will be back tomorrow at 10 am." The meant I had the house to myself for practically the whole weekend. It was a little lonely because of Daniel picking up more shifts that usual. But, I know that he's been working so hard to make more money to put towards our wedding. He and I both know that it won't be cheap at all. So, I appreciate every extra shift that he takes.

I decided that taking a shower and getting dressed comfortably was something I needed. I needed to unwind after all the chaos at work we've been having lately. Nothing was going correctly. Just a bunch of useless meetings on things I already know.

I turned on the water just the right temperature to calm me. I looked at myself in the mirror. I did not recognize myself. I no longer at this body that I loved. My eyes gazed to the scar that I have running from my belly button to my hip. I must have been about three inches long. I remembered that night. He was a drunken mess and had tried to hit me with a broken wine glass. I slipped on the wine that was spilt on the floor and had a piece cut me.

My eyes gazed over to the bruises that were on my inner thigh leading up to my lower hips. All of them due to when we were intimate. He changed, he was no longer soft and gentle. But, he was more strong and violent. The last time we were intimate was the worst. I still felt the way that he felt on top of me. Holding me down and having a go at me like I was some kind of sex doll. That night, I cried. Harder than I had ever before.

I slipped into the shower allowing the water to hit my face and gliding down my body. I stood feeling each of the streams of water bouncing on my body. I took the bar of soap and watched as it glided against my body. Wincing in pain when it came to the freshest bruises that I had.

People say that the shower is the place where you overthink the most. The place where you think about what is going on in your life. It was true. I was in my most vulnerable state and was thinking about everything. Thinking about so many people in my life.

I was thinking about my family and how I've been hurting them. Not visiting as often as I should be. Keeping this deep dark secret from them, when I knew that they would help me instantly. I knew that I was hurting my Grandfather and Luke the most. The two people who were most protective over me.

Daniel. Thinking of the times where everything took a turn. When they returned, something instantly changed in him. Why did he feel threatened? Why was he like this way with me? All I have ever done was show him love. All I have ever done was love him for who he was and I still continue to do that. Even when I probably shouldn't. But, when you have loved someone for that long, you become blind to the things that they do to you. Even when he was hurting me, I still loved him and he loved me.

Ethan. Someone I had known for all of my life. My first best friend. One of my protectors when we were younger. After hearing from Cameron that he loved me and never stopped, it got me thinking. All of the things that he has done for me. Giving me those flowers on my car for no special occasion. Spending time with me at the house when I was alone. Taking the initiative to help me when I had my nephews over. Taking me out to our favorite places together. One of them being the vinyl record store that we went to almost every single day after school. Spending time listening to everything that we loved before we had to go home to do our homework. Everything I had done with him, caused me so much joy. Never did he once hurt me. All he ever did was show me love, even in ways that I didn't see it.

Why was I so blind before? Why didn't I see it? He was the one, wasn't he? He was the one that I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. But, it was too late. I had Daniel. He was my husband to be in 410 days. He was going to be the one that I was going to be spending forever with. And, that was something I didn't want. But, what was I to do? How could I leave?

*After shower and getting dressed*

I plopped down on the couch and bawled up in my blanket. Thinking and sitting in silence. My thoughts were still all over the place even outside of the shower.

I heard the doorbell ring which bounced me out of my thought process. I hopped right up and went to the door. I looked through the peephole. What?

I stood there looking at the handle hesitant to open. "Y/n... I know you're in there." I heard from the outside. "Just please open the door.." I sighed and unlocked the door. But, still haven't turned the handle to become face to face. After a minute, I grabbed the handle and opened the door to reveal myself.

Cameron's POV:

I pushed passed a very pissed Ethan and Grayson and was in front of Y/n. Her expression went from shocked to pissed off. "Before you go on saying anything, I tried to stop them. I really did." I said putting my arms in front of Ethan and Grayson.

"Y/n we know, we need to talk."

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