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Y/n's POV:

Finally. I'm finally free after my seven to three shift at the office for a whole week in a row. I was no longer staring at the computer screen trying to get a story together. No more listening to people voice their concerns on things going on in Jersey over the phone. I was free for the next three days off I had. I could finally have a peaceful morning, like I've always wanted.

I rolled over and saw that the side of the bed was empty. Where was Daniel? I got up and made my way out of the bedroom. Eventually discovering him in the kitchen. I walked up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist. "What are you doing in here?" I said before placing a kiss on his bare back. "Just thinking." He said not looking at me and stirring his cup of whatever he had.

"Is something wrong?" I moved next to him sitting at the bar stool next to him. I saw that he was looking at his phone. More specifically was looking at one of my posts. "Are you fucking him?" He said through gritted teeth. I looked at him in confusion, "What are you talking about?" He clicked on the post that showed us jumping off the cliff.

"Tradition? What tradition are you talking about? Fucking each other then going out?" He looked at me, his eyes full of anger. "Dan..." I placed my hand on his arm. He quickly swiped my hand away and grabbed my wrist hard. "He's my best friend." I said to reassure him. "It sure as hell doesn't look like it." He said getting close to me. I could smell the alcohol in his breath. It was so noticeable.

"Danny, why are you drinking? Especially at this hour? It's so early. " I asked him trying to get my wrist out of his grip but failed. He only squeezed harder, surely to leave a bruise. "I should've seen it. The way that he looks at you. The way you look at him." He let go of my wrist and got up walking to the living room. I followed him. "Danny, you're nuts. He's just a friend. Why would I go for him when I have you? You're the man I love." I yelled at him.

"I don't know, maybe you needed a new fuck buddy?! You've already hugged, I wouldn't be surprised if you two have fucked already!" He said inching closer to me. "You're unbelievable. I've told you countless times and you still don't believe me. What happened to the fucking trust we had Daniel? You're acting like a deranged lunatic right now!" I yelled at him, soon feeling a sting across my cheek. I placed my hand on my cheek for it only to hurt worse. "Call me a lunatic one more time!" He said pinning me up against the wall hard.

I just stood there crying. He grabbed my hands and pinned them against the wall with one hand. He grabbed my face with the other, "I dare you to call me a fucking lunatic one more time you slut." He said making sure I locked eyes with him. The anger flooded his eyes and there was nothing there.

"I don't want you to see him or Grayson ever again." He said which only made me cry worse. He let go of my face and pushed me to the side, "Do you hear me?" He yelled louder than ever. "Y-Yes." I said choking on my tears. "Now get out of my sight you slut." He said going towards the liquor cabinet again.

I ran towards our bedroom and closed the door. I slid down it and cried. The tears stung my cheek which was sure to leave a mark for a while. I cried over the noises that came from my living room. He was throwing things for sure. I don't know what to do. There's nowhere for me to go. There's no one to see. I can't just walk out of the house and pretend that everything is okay. I wasn't okay. I had never seen Daniel like that before, it was like the devil took over him.

I picked up my head and saw that it was almost 10 am, which meant that he was leaving soon for his shift at work. I don't know how he's going to do it since he has some drinks in him, but he is. I walked to our bed and climbed in getting comfortable. "Y/n" I heard him say. I quickly shut my eyes to pretend I was sleeping. Afraid of what he would do next if I was awake. Afraid to see his face. I heard his feet shuffling closer to the edge of the bed. I felt his hand glide over my hair. It took everything within me to not wince.

About fifteen minutes later, he was headed out with everything he needed and his truck started up. I ran to the window that overlooked our driveway, he left. I got up and passed the mirror, I looked terrible. My cheek red and swollen. Eyes were bloodshot and puffy. My wrists, already starting to form bruises on them.

I was alone in the house, even though I didn't want to be. I couldn't go running next door to my parents house. My mom and stepdad would get angry and would kill him. I couldn't have them do that. I couldn't go to the Dolan house, he doesn't want me to see Ethan or Grayson, my best friends. Even though they are gone in New York, I still could go over, but that would create havoc more. Cameron was there, but I knew that she would tell them first thing. That's what usually happens.

I was trapped. Alone. No where to go. No one to see. If I did, I was scared to see what would happen. I was terrified if something were to go down again. Would he hurt me again? Or possibly someone else? All I knew was that it was all my fault. I don't know why exactly, but it was. Everything. I caused this to happen...

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