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Cameron's POV:

"Cam, your phone is ringing!" I ran towards where I heard Grayson call for me. I grabbed my phone and answered it while I plopped right on the couch. "Hello?" I answered on speaker.

"Happy Birthday bitch!!" I laughed knowing that it was tradition for Y/n and I to call each other on our birthday. We would always say the same thing. "So, are you home?" She asked. I saw Ethan walk into the living room joining Grayson and I.

"Um, yeah I am. What's up?" I asked her. "I have something for you. I was gonna come on over." She said. I looked at Grayson and Ethan. Both of them waiting for me to say something. Waiting to see how I was gonna react. Whether or not I was gonna tell her to go ahead or to not have her come.

"Um, mom and I have some family visiting. So, if you don't mind seeing them for a bit, then you can come over?" I asked almost in question. Grayson shook his head, "what the fuck Cam?" He whispered. I cover the microphone part of my phone, "what the hell am I supposed to say Grayson?"

"Cam?" I heard her ask. "Yeah. I'm here." I said paying attention back to her. Grayson and Ethan were now sitting by me. "They're back aren't they?" A moment of silence indicated that she knew. She knew that they were back. I looked between E and Gray, they just looked sad. "Um, what makes you say that?" I responded, in hopes that she would not know that I was lying to her.

"Cam. You're a terrible fucking liar you know that?" She said. "I am not lying y/n." I responded in defense. "Your voice does this thing... Anyways, I know they're back. I'm coming over to drop your present by. Can you please make sure they don't come out or something? I can't face them..." I could hear the sadness in her voice. I knew she was miserable.

"Okay, y/n. See you in a little bit." I said before hanging up. I looked at the two of them. "'I can't face them?' That's fucking bullshit." Ethan said standing up. "Ethan calm down." Grayson said trying to reason with him.

"No! Stop telling me to calm down. Everyone needs to stop telling me that. Let me be fucking pissed. I deserve to be. I deserve to feel something. Stop trying to make me surprise my feelings, every single time." He said before leaving the two of us.

I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll just check on him." Grayson said pointing to upstairs and following him. I sighed and went to the door.

Y/N's POV:

I nervously tapped my foot waiting for Cameron to open the door. I was secretly wanting to see if it were one of them. Even though I'm not allowed to, I wanted to see them. I wanted to see how they are. I want to know that they are okay. I need to know if they are.

I watched the door handle as it turned. Maybe it is one of them. The door opened revealing it was Cam. "Happy birthday!" I said trying to sound chipper enough.

"Awe, thank you! I missed you so much!" She gave me a hug. "Come inside. Also, why so many bags?" She chuckled. "You'll have to wait and see." I said. If I'm going to be completely honest, I was hesitant to go in. I feared what would happen if I saw them. How would I react? How would they react?

She closed the door behind her and we made our way into the living room. She opened it and the look on her face was priceless. "You did not." She said astonished. "I had your mom give my mom an article of clothing for her to make it. I have one for each of you. I had them ready before everything went down." I said getting quiet.

"Thank you so much." She said getting teary eyed. She looked at the bear. It was made with a shirt of Sean's. Each of theirs was a different one. It was rough when he passed. Everyone who loved and knew him had taken it hard. He was like another father to me, so it was really hard to go through for me as well. But, not as hard as for the three of them.

"Well, I should probably get back to the house. Daniel is getting home from a shift early." I said. She stood up and hugged me. I hugged her tight. "You know that you will always be one of my best friends no matter what happens with them." I said. She let go and nodded. I cleared my throat to prevent myself from crying. "Can you just give those to them?" I said gulping down the urge to burst into tears.

She walked me to the door, "I'll make sure to give it to them." She said. "Thank you again." She said as she closed the door and I headed back home alone...

Ethan's POV:

"E! Gray! She's gone." I heard Cam say. Grayson and I both got up and walked to the living room and saw Cam on the couch. She was holding a teddy bear and were surrounded by four bags.

"She got you all of these?" I asked. She shook her head. "Nope. This ones for you and this ones for you Gray." She said as she handed us a bag. "What is she trying to kiss our asses knowing that she did what she did?" I said. If she did, then this was a pathetic excuse to trying to make it up to us.

"You know what Ethan. Get fucking over yourself. No, she didn't. She got these before everything happened between the three of you." Cameron said sitting down. Grayson just shrugged and sat down, I did too.

I took the paper out of the bag and it revealed to be a teddy bear as well. It had our names embroidered on the left side of the chest. "A teddy bear?" I asked. "It's just a fucking teddy bear Cam." I scoffed

"Ethan..." Grayson said. "Yeah?" I turned to him, seeing that he looked as if he was about to cry. What for? "It's a shirt of Dad's..." he said. Oh my god. I looked at it and noticed it was.

"Is this the tee shirt that he wore to my wrestling match I won?" I asked in disbelief. Cameron nodded. I looked at Grayson's, "That's the one that he wore for our birthday when he gave both of us of first skateboards." He nodded. "That's the one that he wore to your sweet sixteen." She nodded.

I hugged the bear tightly to my chest, it felt like I had a piece of him with me. "I can't believe she got us this." Grayson said. "She got one for mom too." Cameron said looking at the one bag left.

"She still cares a lot for you guys..." Cameron said. "If she does, why drop us like that?" I added. As much as it pained me to think about it, it had to be brought up.

Cameron fiddled with her fingers, something she does when she's nervous. "Cameron, what are you not telling us?" Grayson asked. She sighed and looked between the two of us. "She dropped you guys because she was told to never see you guys again..." The words she said were like a stab to the heart.

"I-I don't understand?" Grayson said. "By who? Who would have her do that?" I asked becoming angry. "She's gonna kill me for telling you..." Cameron trailer off. "Cameron, tell us now!" Grayson said raising his voice. Which actually surprised me.


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