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Y/N's POV:

"So, have you guys decided on a date?" The wedding hall director asked as we followed her around the area. I scanned the venue, it happens to be absolutely perfect. It was everything that I had envisioned. "We had December 12th of next year in mind." Daniel said as he snaked an arm around my waist.

"Oh a December wedding, how perfect! This area will look so amazing. Having the big pergola in front of the high rising windows will showcase the snow, if there is any, beautifully." The director basically cooed. I smiled at her putting on my best face. "So, you had a plan for it to be from 6pm to 12am right?" I nodded.

"Okay, I'll get the paperwork and everything for you both to sign. I'll also bring you guys some paperwork on possible caterers in town if you would like." She offered. "Wow, that would be great! Thank you." I smiled and Daniel did as well.

"I think we picked the perfect place Y/n. We only have 485 days." Daniel said before laughing. "That seems like such a long time!" I whined. He brought me closer to him. "Don't worry, we'll be saying 'I do' soon!" He said before giving me a quick kiss.

"How does just relaxing at the house sound?" I asked him. "As much as I would love to babe. The boys from the station asked me to come over tonight to watch the game. We've already got a pot going for the winner." He smiled.

"Oh okay, that's fine." I smiled. "Tomorrow we can. I know you have off and I don't have a shift until 6." He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Sounds good." I smiled as I kissed him on the cheek and paid my attention back onto the venue.

Ethan's POV:

"Okay, I can't breathe." I said as I stopped just short of the cycle studio. "You can't breathe because you need to workout more with me!" Grayson said. My hands on my knees, doubled over trying to catch my breath still. I looked at him, "Could you not be so god damn cheery in the morning?" I asked him.

"Damn. You guys weren't that bad." Emma came up behind us. "Well, looks like you did a lot." She eyeballed my shirt. Which was absolutely drenched in sweat. "The only thing he did a lot of was leaning on the bar." Grayson added.

"Oh shut up." I said throwing my water bottle at him, which he dodged. "Alright, you guys wanna stop at Philz?" I shrugged, "Why not? I have nothing better to do." I said. Grayson agreed too.

The closest Philz was about two blocks away, so we decided to just walk. "So, how was Jersey? You guys were gone for a while. A month right?" Emma asked. Of course she had to ask. Grayson looked at me. "Um, it was eventful to say the least." Grayson rubbed the nape of his neck. I just stayed silent. Come on Grayson, change the topic.

"How was your time? I know that Amanda and Olivia were gone for some time." Thank god for him. Maybe this twin telepathy thing was real. I walked beside the two of them and listened as they talked. Just minding my own and keeping it together.

I mean, what was I supposed to say to her? Oh yeah, Jersey was good at first, then I had my heart torn out of my chest. I spent my time with the girl that I loved with all of my being. I spent so much time with her and I cherished every moment. I was close to telling her my feelings, but was stopped because I was too chicken shit too. Also, due to the fact that she has a fiancé that doesn't deserve her. Yeah, what a great vacation.

"Ethan, you okay?" Emma asked. "Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm perfectly fine." I said shaking it off and we finally made to Philz.

Y/N's POV:

Daniel finally left to go to watch the game with the boys. Leaving just me home alone. The house seemed so silent and empty. I missed the little bit of chaos that used to happen around here. If that even makes sense?

I missed hearing Daniel chase Ashton or Michael around the house. I missed hearing my parents having conversations in the family room. I missed hearing the Ethan's , Grayson's, and Cameron's laughter boom through the house. I missed it all. I missed the livelihood that this house once had. Now, it had nothing. It was just filled with the sorrow that I felt.

I needed to change that. I needed to have something in my life again that gave me joy. I needed my family. I needed to hear them.

I decided to head on over to my parents house. Surprisingly, I saw my grandparents car there. I knocked on the door before coming into the house. "Hello?" I said closing the door behind me.

"Y/n!" I saw my grandmother come over to me. "Grams..." I said hugging her. I walked into the living room where the rest of them were. I saw my grandfather and my stepfather sitting down. "Y/n! Why didn't you call?! We haven't seen you in forever!" My mom hugged me.

"I know I'm sorry. I've been so busy. I've been picking up longer shifts at the office. I just got back from picking out a venue with Daniel." I smiled at her. "Let me get you something to eat." My mom said. "I'll help you hun." My stepfather joined her in the kitchen, leaving just my grandfather and I alone.

"So, still with Daniel huh?" Wow, straight to the point. I shook my head. "Grampy..." he held his hands up. "Hey now, I'm 76 years old. I can't control what comes out of my mouth." He took my hand in his. "Y/n, is there something wrong?" He asked me. So much. So much was wrong. So much that I was almost dying inside. I was being torn bit by bit. But, I didn't say that.

I bit the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from breaking down. It was always something that was difficult to do when I was around my grandfather. He was someone that I could always open up to. He was my go to man for my problems. Has always been since my parents divorce when I was seven years old.

"Y/n..." He was suspicious. He could always read my like a book. Why couldn't I have hid it better? "It's nothing Grampy. We've just had a couple of fights recently." I sniffled. I felt his hand tense up and saw his jaw clench. Even at his age, he was so intimidating. "Relax, I'm okay." I reassured him. "If he so much as does something to you. Lays a finger on you or something else, I'm shooting his ass y/n." He said sternly. I nodded knowing that it was so true.

I knew that he would do damage. I knew that he would hurt him. I knew that he could do something drastic. And I wasn't ready to see what that would be. As much as Daniel has hurt me, I loved him. I loved that boy I've been with for almost four years now. I loved him with all of my heart, even when my heart was hurting.

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