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Y/N's POV:

"Y/n, are you ready?" I hear Ethan say. I immediately grab my phone and walk out. "Yeah, I'm ready to go." I appeared into the living room where Ethan was now sitting with Grayson. He was dressed in lounging around wear like he said. Even in that, he looked pretty damn good.

I watched as they both looked at me, not saying a word. "What? You said comfortable right?" I gestured to the leggings I had on as well as an oversized hoodie. I could feel Ethan's eyes travel my body as I stood in front of him. "Is this not okay?" I asked getting a little worried. Maybe I should've wore something different.

"No, no. It's fine. It's perfect actually." Ethan said getting up. "Come on, we should get going." He added. I nodded my head and followed him to his car. "Have fun you two!!" I heard Grayson shout in the distance.

"Still won't tell me where we're going?" I asked Ethan as we both got in the car. "Nope, not telling you." He shook his head, buckled up, and we started on our way.

I crossed my arms in defeat, slightly pouting. "Oh come on, don't pout." Ethan laughed. I just kept silent. "Well, I can tell you this. I'm stopping somewhere to get something to eat, you hungry?" I looked at him confused then kinda worried. I'm dressed like a bum right now and he's wanting to go out to get something to eat? Is he nuts?

"Y/n, we're not going in." I sighed in relief. "I'm starved, if I didn't answer your question." I said. I watched as he pulled onto the main road. "Okay, your choices are. Raising Canes, Chick-fil-A, or Jack in the box." He pointed to each of them on our side of the road.

"Well, I've never had Raising Canes. We can go there." I shrugged. "You picked the best place." He said with a smile and pulling into the parking lot to order.


After we got our food, Ethan and I continued onward. He said that we only had about five more minutes until we were to arrive. "All this food smells so good." I said looking at the four orders of food that Ethan insisted we HAD to get. Even though I said it was like he was feeding an entire village, he still got it all.

"You're gonna be glad that I got all the food once you take your first bite." He chuckles, looking quickly at me before returning his eyes to the road. "Maybe." I shrugged, sinking further into the seat and looking at him.

I switched my gaze from looking outside to Ethan as he drove. Seeing all of his features, his eyes as they scanned the road, the stubble on his face, jawline that was sharp, and his arm extend on the top of the steering wheel. I watched as he tapped his fingers on the wheel as the music played, something I always liked that he did.

"Alright, we are here." Ethan said as he pulled into a parking lot that was not surrounded be anything? "Ethan, what's this?" I turned to him. He rolled down the windows and lowered the music a little, allowing it to still be heard. "Just, look ahead." He smiled. So, I did. I took in what was in front of me. I looked at the sky taking over shades of pink and purple as it reached sunset. The buildings and houses lying below us, accenting the sun as it was beginning to set. It was something that was so magical. It certainly looked like something that was not to be real.

"Wow, this is beautiful." I whispered still looking at the masterpiece that laid right in front of me. God's work was certainly something else. "How did you find this place?" I asked astonished. "I discovered this spot years ago when we first moved here to Los Angeles. It is a place I like to go to when I just want to think and escape the world." He revealed to me.

He reached around and handed me a box of food and one for himself. "I figured that we can enjoy some food and the sunset in my favorite spot. You're the first one that I have shared this with." He said looking at me. I was a little shocked, almost felt special. He chose me out of everyone to show this place to.

"Does Grayson know about this place?" I asked him. He shook his head, "No, not even him." I almost choked on my drink when he said that. "Not even Gray?" He laughed at me, "Nope." He affirmed. Wow, didn't twins share everything together?

After that, it was a couple minutes in silence as we both starting eating. Wow, was I missing out on this bomb ass food. I was glad that he showed me this place, definently a ten out of ten. Something that I will always remember. "Can I ask you something?" Ethan asked. "Shoot." I said before taking a sip of my drink. "What are you gonna do?" He asked me. I looked at him confused. What did he mean?

"What?" I asked. "When you get back home, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna stay in that house?" He asked me, catching me completely by surprise. I didn't know how to respond. I just sat there looking at my drink for a second, while searching for an answer. "Forget that I said anything." Ethan said frantically. "No. No." I began putting a hand over his.

I sighed, "I don't know what I am going to do. All I know is that I am basically living my life day by day and I don't know what lies ahead for me. I've grown so accustomed to my life surrounding that man. Now that I am alone, I don't know what to do." I said.

"Well, do you think you're gonna still live in Jersey?" Ethan asked. I nodded. I knew that I didn't want to go anywhere else, Jersey was my home. There was silence once again, it wasn't an awkward one. A comfortable silence that overtook the car. It was just us sitting, enjoying each other's company, with a little ambience of music from the radio.

I looked up at Ethan and saw him just staring at me. "What?" I chuckled before plopping a fry in my mouth. "I've got to get something off my chest, but I'm not sure that I should say it now. I probably shouldn't. I know that I would probably feel better if I did. It had just been eating me alive and I can't take it any longer." He ramble on.

"Ethan." I said before he could start a new sentence and ramble on more. "Just tell me." I looked him in the eyes. He had a face full of doubt and nervousness. "Did you feel something?" He asked. I looked at him confused. "What?" Once again, I had no clue what he was talking about.

"Did you feel something when I kissed you?" He blurted out. I looked at him wide-eyed. Not sure what to say. Do I lie and tell him, no? Do I say the truth and tell him, yes? I was silent, astonished as to what he asked me.

He sighed and shook his head. "You know what, just forget it. Forget I said anything. Scratch that." He said running a hand through his hair and placing his hands on the steering wheel. I watched as he took my silence as 'no', when that wasn't what I truly meant. I think it was the shock that had overtaken me, prohibiting me from answering his question right away.

"Ethan." I said placing a hand on his shoulder. He turned and looked at me with glossy eyes. "Let's just go ho-"

I kissed him.


Hey guys! I know it's been some time since I have uploaded, I've been busy with school and work. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! The next chapter will be ASAP, when we reach 95 likes!

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