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Y/N's POV:

"Are you sure you guys don't want to stay here?" I glanced at the clock seeing that it had just struck eleven at night. "We don't want you to have to stress about us staying. We're just going to be staying at the hotel that is five minutes away. It is the Marriott Inn." Jemma said getting up and putting her shoes on. "Call me when you wake up. So I know you're safe." Janiya sighed. I hugged them both before they left.

I turned around and walked into the living room. "What did she mean by being safe?" Daniel said drying his hair with a towel after getting out of the shower. My heart got caught in my throat. I knew I had to make up something. "There was someone who escaped prison at like 9. They still haven't caught who it was." I said hoping that he would believe me.

"Oh okay. Well, what do you want to do tonight babe?" He said before kissing my cheek then joining me on the couch. "I don't know. Maybe we can do a movie?" I half smiled. He nodded. "Okay, you pick a movie out, while I get drinks and food." I got up as quickly as I could.

I entered the kitchen and put my hands on the counter trying to catch my breath. I couldn't breathe. It felt like my chest was tightening each second. Was this a panic attack? "Come on y/n breathe." I whispered through tears that were now streaming down my face. I grabbed a thing of popcorn quickly and threw it into the microwave. Starting it up quickly so it could pop, that way it could mask me crying. Why was I crying? Why did I feel like I wanted to throw up when he kissed my cheek? Why was I feeling this way?

Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at the time, it was 11:30 at night. Who could be ringing the doorbell? I pulled the popcorn out and looked at Daniel after I contained myself. It rang again. "I'll get it." He said walking over. I peered around the corner barely visible from the door. Just in case someone were to come in here and try to murder me.

When he opened the door, I saw them. "Um, can I help you guys?" Daniel said leaning against the door frame so his whole body was blocking the way. I think he knew that I was trying to sneak a peek at what was going on. I knew that he wanted me to not see them at all, even from a distance. I looked at how the two of them easily towered over Daniel by three inches. They looked pissed and worried at the same time. "Where is she?" Grayson asked. "She's fine." Daniel stated, I could tell his tone of voice was aggravated.

"Y/n hasn't answered our phone calls or texts. Cameron even tried to get ahold of her too. She tried to come by earlier. Is she here? We need to see her." Ethan said. From the little I could see, I saw Ethan's jaw clench and Grayson cross his arms. The expressions on their faces could have easily killed a person just by looking at them. "It's almost midnight, can't this wait until tomorrow? Besides, she doesn't want to see you guys." Daniel exclaimed.

What? Of course I did. They were my best friends. My heart sunk and my whole body felt numb as I continued to listen to Daniel telling them those things. I put my hand over my mouth to prevent myself from being heard as I cried watching everything. Ethan's face changed quickly from mad to almost sad? "What do you mean she doesn't want to see us?" Grayson asked taking a step closer. "I don't know man, she just doesn't want to see you." I could easily hear Daniel getting pissed more and more. It was something that I had always been able to tell when we are talking in person or in another room. "Have a good night." Daniel said just before trying to shut the door.

"Wait not so fast." I heard Ethan say as he placed his foot, stopping the door. "Listen here Danny boy, I know damn well that she's in there!" I saw him push through Daniel and the door swung open. I stood there shocked. I'd never seen him like that. "Daniel, where is she?" Grayson asked inching closer to him. They both looked pissed. "You guys think you can bust up in my house like that?" Daniel said. I saw him going closer to the baseball bat that I usually keep by the door when I'm home alone at night. It was in case of possible intruders that came our way.

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