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Y/n's POV:

It's currently day two of Daniel being out of town and I'm already bored. It's just me in the house all alone. I could do things, like real adult things. I could probably clean the kitchen right? Do laundry? Figure out which bills to pay? None of that actually sounded appealing.

I looked at the clock reading 9:20am. Okay, I've spent too long in my bed. I've got to get something accomplished today at least. I got up and got dressed. Just as I was about to head downstairs, I heard a crash. If there is an intruder in the house, I'm all alone. What the hell do I grab? I looked over at the gun safe Daniel had. Is that too extreme? I then heard another one. "Okay, definitely need something." I said out loud. I unlocked the safe and picked up the hunting rifle.

Here I was with a rifle in my hands and about to possibly shoot someone. "Stay calm y/n." I said out loud to myself. I gripped the gun good and cocked it as I walked down the stairs. I heard another crash. "Hello?" I said. "I have a gun and I'm not afraid to shoot you!" I said as I quickly whipped around the corner, ready to shoot this person.

There was no intruder in my damn house, it was just Ethan, Grayson, and Cameron. "I could've fucking shot you guys! Why in the hell are you here?!" I said taking that ammo out of the chamber and placing it over by the kitchen table. The looks on their face were priceless. Each of them looked scared. "Holy shit, you have a gun?" Cameron asked dropping the whisk. I looked as they stood in my kitchen. "I can't believe you almost fucking shot us." She added. "That's kinda badass y/n." Ethan smirked causing me to roll my eyes. "This is no joke E. I COULD'VE SHOT YOU GUYS." I emphasized. "You almost killed me, y/n!" Grayson shouted. "Oh my god, it's like my life flashed before my eyes. I almost died." He added being very very extra.

"Okay calm down, none of you guys are bleeding out of the floor right now. As much as I'm happy to see you guys, how the fuck did you get in my house? What are you guys doing?" I walked to them. "And when did you come home Cam?!" I hugged her hello before sitting at one of the bar stools.

"Well, we kinda found the key under the rock you have by your bush." Grayson said. "Plus, we wanted to make breakfast for you!" Cameron said pointing behind her. I looked over her shoulder, "Um, you do know that you're burning the pancakes right?" All three of them turned quickly around and saw them. "Shit, shit, shit." Ethan grabbed the pan off the stove and shut the burner off. Smoke was already filling in the house. Ethan frantically took off his shirt and fanned the smoke away from the smoke detector so it didn't go off. I laughed at their poor attempt in making food.

"Well, there goes that." Ethan said tossing the pan in the sink. "You guys down to go to a diner or something?" Ethan asked. "Why the hell not?" Cameron said. "Let me clean this up before we go." I said getting up walking past Ethan. "Woah, hold on." I was then taken by the waist and whirled around. "Hey!" I said. I looked up and saw that my hands and body was pressed against Ethan's bare chest. "I'll get that later, we made the mess." Ethan said. "Okay." I softly said before wriggling out of his grip. "I guess we should get going then?" I cleared my throat before we eventually all headed out.

Ethan's POV:

"Grayson, can you scoot out for a second, I have to pee." Y/n pleaded causing me to chuckle. She always had a bladder the size of a pea. "I told you not to drink your water too fast." Grayson groaned as he got up and Y/n scooted on by. "Whatever dad." She moaned. I watched as she walked gracefully to the bathroom, she could make anything look good.

"You like her don't you?" I whipped my head towards Grayson. "What? I have no clue what you're talking about." I huffed crossing my arms and leaning back in my seat. "Ethan you do. Don't deny it." Cameron said. What the hell? Why are they teaming up against me? "I don't like her. She's our best friend." I emphasized on best friend to get the message in their head clear.

"Ethan, you and Y/n have always been the closest growing up. Before we left for LA, you were literally drooling over her. Following her like a little puppy when we did things together." Grayson said smirking. "Dude, shut up. It's not like that. I got over my feeling for her years ago." I said to him. "Maybe seeing her has brought up the feelings you felt for her years ago." Grayson continued. "Just admit it Ethan." Cameron added. I smacked her in the back of the head. "You asshole." She muttered.

"Hey guys, hope I didn't miss anything." Y/n came back by the table and sat back down. "No, you didn't miss much." I smiled at her. "Okay good. None of you talked shit right? Remember talk shit, get hit?" She laughed looking at Grayson. I loved her laugh. Her laugh never changed. "Yeah yeah I remember. Fifth grade you gave me a black eye." Grayson rolled his eyes. "And that was when I knew you were my best best friend." I said laughing earning a smile from her.

"We were also thinking about going over by the cliff tomorrow and chilling by it. You know, what we used to do." Grayson said. "Oh, I miss that place so much." Y/n said as her face lit up. "Come with us, it'll be fun." I said inviting her. "Sure, I'll come." She smiled. "Look at the gang all back together doing things that we used to do. Never thought I'd see the day." Cam laughed.

"So, when am I going to meet this fiancé of yours?" Cam asked. Causing me to choke on my food. Grayson looked over at me, 'jealous' he mouthed. "You okay there E?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, I'm good." I said containing myself. "Anyways, you'll get to meet him soon. He's spending a week at the station." She stirred the spoon in her coffee. "You miss him don't you?" Cameron asked. "Very much so." Y/n half smiled afterwards.

I unclenched my fist and looked at the imprint that my nails left on my palm. I hated hearing about Daniel. I hate that she gets to go home to him. I hate he gets to hold her in his arms. He gets to make her laugh in ways I don't. I hate after 21 years, I didn't end up with her. Holy shit, I like my best friend?

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