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Cameron's POV:

Mom and I had decided that it would be a good idea if we were to spend some time over in LA with the Ethan and Grayson. It had been a hot minute since I was in LA, so might I as well go. I could get some shopping down and pick up a decent summer and fall wardrobe.

"E, take moms bags and I'll take Cam's." Grayson said as we all finally got out of the Jeep after the two hour car ride from the airport. It was something I always dreaded. Mom and Ethan had already made their way inside. Leaving just Grayson and I alone outside.

"So, how have you guys been since you know what went down?" I said walking up the driveway beside Grayson. "We're fine. Well, I am. I don't know know what him though. I just think I'm surviving because I know that there has to be some other type of reason. I know that it wouldn't have gone down like that. I know she wouldn't do that to us." He was right. There was another reason.

I knew exactly what was going on. But, she made me promise that I wouldn't tell them. She made me keep the secret that she was in such a toxic relationship with Daniel. Wanting me to keep the secret of her being told to never see the twins again by Daniel.

It had been almost a week since she had told me it and it was eating me alive in the inside. I had come close to telling Grayson two days ago. I just can't help it. It seems like something he should know. Knowing this secret had kept me up at night knowing that something could be going on at any more. She could be suffering as I am perfectly fine over here.

It bothered me that she didn't want to get out of this situation. She knew that if I told them that she would be instantly out of it. Doesn't she want that relief? Doesn't she want to get out of it and back to normal? I just don't understand why she doesn't want me to?

"Cameron, have you talked to her at all?" Grayson said as we went into the house. Do I lie to him and tell him no? Or do I just spill everything that she told me and betray her trust when it comes to keeping secrets?

"Um, no I haven't..." I said instinctively. Damn it, I should have just told him then and there. "You wouldn't lie to me right Cam?" He stopped dead in his tracks looking at him. I shook my head 'no', "Of course not. You know that you would be the first person I would go to if I knew about anything. Besides, I'll let you know if I ever end up getting the chance to talk to her." I said.

I just dug myself deeper into this lie. I really just lied to Grayson. Even when I knew that I shouldn't have. This isn't gonna end well.

Y/N's POV:

479 days. That's how many days are left until the big day. With all the things that have been going on in my life, I just don't know whether to be excited or to be scared. I am constantly trying to decipher which feeling I felt each and every single day.

I didn't know if I was to be excited to go into this marriage with Daniel. Not sure if I was excited for the time I will finally be able to call him my husband. Or even excited for the memories we will be making as husband and wife.

Yet, I was absolutely terrified. I was scared that if he kept on having these episodes, I wouldn't be able to get away. I would be tied by law to him and then left with nowhere to go. Even though his last episode was three days ago, I was still so scared. But, I loved him with all of my heart.

I had decided to spend this Monday morning by working at home. I didn't really have the energy to get dressed and go to work. So, working from my couch in my pajamas was the move today. Just having the option to work from home made things so much easier. Especially on this Monday where I'm expected to get two articles out together. Monday's were always intense since it was the beginning of a new work week.

"Ugh, this article is gonna be the death of me." I said as I put my face in my hands. I stared at the screen rubbing my temples in some kind of attempt to help me regain focus.

In the midst of my thoughts I heard the doorbell ring, I pulled out my phone to check who it was through the camera. "Give me one second J!" I said as I placed my computer on the coffee table and wrapped myself in my robe. I hustled over to the door and slipped on my slippers.

I opened the door. Before even getting out a word, a drink was held out for me. I looked at it in surprise. "Okay, so after I had gotten a phone call from London from her office. I was told to fetch this for you and make a special delivery. She wanted to give it as a simple thank you for working so hard and to get the creative juices flowing in that brain of yours. She said that if you ever need anything else while you are writing, do not hesitate to call me or her. I will be more than happy to get some thing you may need during this time. You know, me being her assistant and all. So y/n, here is your large caramel iced coffee with two whole shots of espresso, almond milk, sugar, and extra ice. Oh and also, here is a muffin." She grabbed the to-go bag with the muffin in it from her satchel.

The sight of her was hilarious. "You really shouldn't have." I said laughing and accepting the drink and food. "Don't worry, it was my pleasure y/n." She said. "It's freezing outside. Come inside Jessica." I said stepping aside. She smiled and nodded as she accepted my offer.

"Wow, I've never been here before. I've only heard about it." She said looking at everything in astonishment. "Really?" I asked a little confused. Had I mentioned it before to her? I honestly could not remember at all. "Oh, you mentioned the fact that you had gotten the inside painted and some remodeling done. I think it was last week that you said it." She said.

"Hmm, well okay." I said taking a sip of my coffee which I didn't know I had needed until that very first sip. "Come on, I'll show you what I've got so far." I waved her over to the couch and my Monday morning set up.

Jess and I basically spent the morning wrapping up the article that I had first worked on. I would actually call this a successful Monday. Maybe the most successful and clear headed day I've had in a long time. And I absolutely loved it.

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