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Y/n's POV:

There they stood in front of me, Ethan and Grayson Dolan. My once childhood best friends stood right in front of me. When it came to the both of them, so much has changed. They no longer looked like the scrawny little jersey boys I remembered from years ago. But, they were more built and looked way different. They no longer looked so identical either. Grayson had the shorter hair and was more muscular. While Ethan's hair was missing a colored streak and was more physically fit then the last time I saw him. They changed so much.

"Um, hey guys..." I said looking at them in shock. I wish you could feel what I was feeling. I felt as if I could die. Overwhelmed with so many emotions and anxiety. Out of all the people in the world to stand in front of me, I would've guess Selena Gomez or someone else.

"Y/n, let them come in already. It's got to be hot out there right now!" My mom came up behind me. "Oh right, sorry." I said moving to the side as they both walked into the house for the first time in years.

I couldn't believe after all of these years, I am now seeing them. There were no phone calls like the three of us promised when they moved away. No visits during the summer to catch up. No Skype calls. No FaceTime calls. Nothing. Seeing them stand before me right there reminded me of what I felt. I was reminded of the pain I had to go through when they left 6 years ago, at the age of 15.

I eventually noticed that my mother and Lisa had already made their way to the backyard with everyone else. They were probably diving into the food already. Which left just Ethan and Grayson together with me, for the first time in six years. This couldn't have gotten more awkward.

"So, h-how are you guys? Seems like everything turned out great for you guys." I said while motioning to what they had on. It was drastically different from the style they used to have, Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister.

Now, they stood in front of me in designer clothes. Supporting things from Gucci. It looked like Hollywood threw up all over them. Frankly, I didn't know if I was a fan of it.

"We're pretty good. We just came back from our trip to Italy today. We plan on staying here for a while."  Grayson said. "Well that's sounds like fun. Exploring Italy and everything." I said to them both. Secretly jealous of the fact that they were able to go to my dream destination.

"It was such a great time. You would've loved it. I know how much you want to go there." Ethan added to my surprise. "You remembered that?" I was taken back that they remembered that I had always dreamed of going there. I would have pictures of Italy on my cork board in my room. He remembered that. "Of course we remembered that y/n. You are our best friend." Grayson said smiling. My smile quickly faded as he said that.

"Stop. Y-You guys can't just do this." I sighed, chewing the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from getting angry and cry out of frustration. They looked confused.

"You guys can't just waltz in here and act like we're still best friends. We haven't seen each other in six years, when you guys left me. You both left me when you made a promise. You made a promise that we'd all stay together connected, but clearly that didn't happen. I tried with phone calls, nothing. Do you know the shit I had to go through? I was instantly bullied when you guys left. I no longer had friends throughout the roughest years of my life. I was alone in the darkest time possible. My dad left us and I didn't have any of you guys to confide in. I didn't have my best friends by my side. So, excuse me, I can't just go back to saying best friends. You guys lost that title..." I said with tears welling in my eyes. They looked taken back and shocked by my outburst, but damn did it feel amazing to say that. Something I have bottled in all these years. "Y/n..."

"Hey babe, you've been gone for a while." I felt Daniel wrap an arm around my waist. I looked up at him. "Hey..."

"Who are they?" He asked, shifting his eyes from me to them. I looked at Ethan and Grayson with shocked eyes still. "Um, this is Ethan and Grayson. They're my mom's best friends' sons." I looked between the three of you. I saw Ethan's jaw clench and Grayson's doing the same not long after. "Well, nice to meet you guys. I'm Daniel." Daniel shook both of their hands. "her fiancé..." he picked right back up.

"I think your mom wanted me to get you so you can help put food out." Dan said. I nodded. "There's drinks in the kitchen if you guys want anything." I half smiled before walking away with Daniel, leaving the two of them.


It was later in the day and everyone was pretty much gone except for a few people. My nephews, Ashton and Michael, were still here. As they decided to spend the night at my moms. Lisa, Ethan, and Grayson were still here because our moms were talking up a storm, catching up on the latest. It was nothing unusual. Leaving me there as well. Daniel had to leave an hour early for his shift at the station. So, that would mean that I'm all by myself till 5am tomorrow.

"Aunt y/n, come play hide and seek with us!" I looked over in the direction of where Ashton was at. They were with Ethan and Grayson laughing per usual. "Come on Aunt Y/n!" Michael added completely butchering my name. He was almost there, but not quite.

"Okay, I'll play! But, I'm it!" I said, hopping out of my chair and jogging on over to them. "But, I wanna be it!" Michael whined. "Fine, you can be on Auntie's team." I picked him up and held him on my hip. "There's five of us, it's gonna be uneven." Ashton said, "I'll be on Grayson's team." He went over by him. "Right on little dude." Grayson fist bumped him. "Well, I guess you're on our team Ethan." I said walking over with Michael.

"Okay, we're it and you need to go hide!" Michael said. You put him down. "Alright lets go count behind the fence." I pointed the spot out and he ran towards it. Ethan and I trailing behind. Ashton and Grayson going in the opposite direction. Eventually going around the corner of the house, no longer in sight.

Before joining Michael to count, I noticed Ethan stopped just before we arrived at the gate. "Look, I just want to tell you this and before you say anything, just listen. We're sorry for everything. We're sorry that we left and didn't keep in contact. We're sorry that you had to go through all of that alone." Ethan sighed, actually looking genuine. "When we left for LA, things really were rocky at first. We had so much going on and were really struggling. I know we've changed, I just hope that we can be best friends again. I really miss my best friend. Gray does too." Then he pulled the sad eyes with the protruding lip at me. Damn it.

"Damn it Dolan, you always do that face to me and get me every time." I say punching his arm lightly. "So you forgive us?" Ethan asked. I nodded. He opened his arms, "Nope. Not gonna happen. You squeeze me too hard every time." I shook my head laughing, knowing that he practically kills me with them. "That was the old Ethan. This is the new one." He came up and hugged me. Woah.

"Come on guys, you've got to count to0!" I pulled away from him and saw Michael come and get us. "Alright, come on partner." I laughed nudging Ethan and we ended the night with the best game of hide and seek I've played in a while...

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