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Grayson's POV:

"Remind me again as to why you dragged us here late at night?" Ethan asked as we all entered the Karaoke Bar. "You guys need to let lose and have some fun once in a while. You're young, you guys barely have fun. Plus, I already checked the calendar on both of your phones. You are cleared for the next two days. Just in case you get a killer hangover." Cameron said as we found our way to the bar.

Although I was hesitant, I knew she was right. Ethan and I were twenty one for God's sake. We spend all of our time doing work, making videos, and traveling for meetings. It's exhausting and I'm sure Ethan feels the same. "Cameron, who's the DD then?" Ethan asked as we found three seats.

"I'll be the DD. Enjoy the night man." I said placing my hand on his shoulder. "He'll have three tequila shots." I said motioning to the bartender to Ethan. I watched as he poured them and slid them to Ethan. Ethan looked at my hesitantly, "Are you sure you don't want to have anything? I can be the DD tonight man." I shook my head, "No, I think you need it more than me. Have fun. But, not too much fun." I chuckled.

Within seconds, he took back all three shots. I'm not one that usually encourages this behavior, but he needs it. He needs to let loose and have some fun. Especially after the past couple weeks he has had. He has been nothing but miserable.

It's understandable, he just lost one of his best friends. Who just so happened to be the woman of his dreams. His life was fucking flipped upside down. I mean, mine was too, but he is definitely taking it harder than me. He needs this night of fun.

Y/N's POV:

"Daniel?" I called out as I saw him enter the office to my surprise. I wasn't expecting him to come visit. He didn't even call or tell me prior like he usually does. I get up from my chair. "What are you doing here?" I asked confused. He pulled out a box behind his back, "What? I can't visit my wife to be in 470 days?" He said giving me a kiss.

"What's that?" I pointed to the box that looked awfully similar. "This is lunch for you, my dear. It's from the sushi place that you like that is just down the road from our house." My eyes widened, "You did not?! I was craving this so much! Thank you." I said giving him a kiss and taking it from him.

We walked over back into my office and sat down having my desk dividing both of us. "Do you want some?" I asked as I plopped a piece in my mouth. "I'll take just one. I want you to eat." He said smiling and taking a piece. "So, when are you going back to the station?" I asked. He shifted in his seat. "Well, the station is losing Jackson because of him transferring to the other station across town. So, I've decided to pick up more shifts. I know Frankie is also picking up some more too. Just to make up for the fact that we are losing someone there. So, I will be gone for a good month. Probably will end up staying at the station since the shifts start at four am."

I was surprised that he had said that, I thought I wasn't going to be having a house to myself for a while. "Y/n!" I lifted my head up and looked to see Jessica running into my office with paperwork in her arms. "Yes?" I asked. "London said that she needs you to submit the final draft for the chronicle issue to go out on Friday." She said. Great, that means that I will be stuck here to probably eight at night.

"Oh, I don't mean to be rude. Danny, this is Jessica. Jessica, this is my fiancé Daniel." I introduced them to each other. "Y/n, I think you introduced us to each other at the St. Patrick's day party that London had?" Jessica raised an eyebrow. Oh my god, I did and I completely forgot. "Oh my god, I did didn't I?" I shook my head. "It's nice to see you again Daniel." Jessica smiled at him. "You too Jess." He answers with a smile. What? Jess? When did they get on nickname terms? Maybe it's nothing?

Cameron's POV:

"Alright, thank you so much to that fine little lady for singing that amazing song. Now, we're looking for someone else to come blow us away with their singing skills. Who wants to hop up on the stage and sing their heart out?" The DJ said as we sat in the crowd. "Oh, I'll sing a good one man!" I looked over and saw Ethan raise his arm up in the air. Oh boy.

I looked at Grayson and possibly thought the same thing. This could either be good or bad. He could either sing his go to, Replay by Iyaz, or sing something else. We watched as he confidently walked up there. We knew he was plastered, so it was surprising to see him walk almost perfectly.

He leaned over to the guy, probably telling him what song he had wanted. The DJ nodded and Ethan accepted the microphone from him. Then traveling to stand front and center of the stage. "Before I start, I'd like to dedicate this song to someone." He said raising his glass up in the air. Placing the microphone on the stand and allowing just one hand to be free while the other occupied by his drink.

"This is dedicated to the stupid bitch that broke my heart." People around him started to cheer, it was something I had never seen before. Grayson and I were astonished. Someone yelled "fuck that bitch" over and over again and soon the rest started chanting. I watched as Ethan stood up there smirking at them all. "I'm glad you guys feel the same way." He says.

The music started playing and he began to sing. "She told me that I'm not enough...." To our fucking surprise, the kid could actually sing. He could actually sing while he was three sheets to the wind.

Grayson and I sat there and watched as he sung his heart out. "I thought he was gonna pick a different song." Grayson said to me. "I thought so too. Looks like we were both wrong." I say continuing to watch.

"She cut too deep and she left me scarred..." Holy shit. He's talking about y/n. "He's talking about her." Grayson said. I nodded knowing that he was right. "He's damaged Cam." I sighed as Ethan rolled into the chorus. "Oh course he's fucking damaged. He's singing and literally has tears falling down his cheeks!" I said motioning to Ethan.

All Grayson and I could do was watch our brother sing. Sing and hope that he will be fine after blowing off some steam. Maybe this singing session will help? All I know is, is that it's going to be a long time until he recovers from this heart break...

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