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Daniel's POV:

"Hmmm, right there. Yes. Damn Jess, you're so fucking good." I said as she took her time pleasuring me. "Hmm, you like that Danny?" I threw my head back in pleasure as she took us further.

After we both reached our climaxes, I looked at the time: 1 pm? Shit, I've gotta get back home. I told Y/n, I would be arriving at like 5 and the drive is 4 hours.

I untangled from Jess and got up. Making my way to take a piss. "Danny?" I heard her call out. "Yeah?" I threw on my boxers and my pants. "Why you leaving so soon?" She whined wrapping perfect naked body in a sheet.

"I've got to get back to Y/n in time." I said before grabbing my shirt from the floor. I looked at all of our clothes on the floor. Last night was wild. I smirked at the thought of both of us going at it again.

I watched as she sighed. I made my way over to her and crawled behind her. "What's wrong?" I said as I kissed her neck. Making my way to her sweet spot, behind her ear. "I just wish, that I was your only one." I kissed her some more, hopefully to make it up to her.

"I wish you weren't getting married to her. I wish it wasn't in 429 days." She said. She got up which surprised me. I climbed off the bed and put on my tie.

"I already told you Jess, I can't leave her." I said. Which was true. I loved her. I loved Jess too. She shook her head and she got up and put on her bra and panties. "What you're giving me the silent treatment?" I smirked.

"No, I'm not. I'm just pissed that after 5 months of seeing each other, you won't leave her." She said. "Well, I'm sorry..." I said making my way to her to help zip up the back of her dress. "You know I love you." I whispered getting close to her ear.

"I know and that's the part that kills me. You love me and her. But, you'll always choose her."

Ethan's POV:

"We need to get out of here. Im going crazy cooped up here." Grayson said coming into my room and throwing himself on my bed. "I think we need to go travel. Travel, somewhere nice. Somewhere that relaxes us." Grayson said.

He was right. I could use a break. "Where would we go?" I asked. "Mom did say that we should go home for Cam's birthday..." Grayson said.

Back home? To Jersey? "You think that's a good idea?" I asked him. "Yeah, I think it is. It would be nice to be back there. You know that's where we are most happy." He had a point. Jersey was the best place for us to be. We were the most relaxed there. It was stress free. Jersey is everything that LA is not.

"And if you're worried that you are gonna see...her... I'll make sure you don't." He said softly. "Grayson, I don't need you to fucking look over me like a dog." I snapped at him. "Well fuck, I'm sorry that you are on edge and hate her now. I'm your brother, I'm looking out for you." He said

"I don't know..." I said trailing off. "It's too late for you to say no. I already booked the tickets for tonight. We leave at 8." He said hopping right off the bed. I followed him. "YOU WHAT!" I yelled.

He turned around quickly and stopped in his tracks. "Okay, first of all, cut your shit. Second of all, pack your bags, we leave at 6 for the airport. You're going there for Cameron. Whether you like it or not." He said before going into his room.

"You can't tell me what to do! I'm the older one!" I yelled hitting his door. "Fuck." I said as I walked away.

Was I ready to go home again? Probably not. Did I have a choice? No. Well, looks like I'll be heading home.

Y/N's POV:

"So, how about this one." I twirled around and looked at my audience: my grandmother, my mom, Janiya, and Jemma. I was nervous to see what their reaction was.

We had spent about two hours already trying on almost 30 dresses. Nothing felt really right. Not until this one. A one of a kind dress made by Albert Capraro. It was beautiful. Lace top that had sleeves to my wrists. The bottom of the gown had been layered with lace and silk. It wasn't too fluffy or flat, it was just perfect.

"Well?" I asked the crowd. I tried to read everyone's faces, but it was so difficult. They have been a tough crowd the previous dresses. I was hoping that they would love this one. "Wow." Jemma said. "Ditto." Janiya said. "You look amazing y/n." My mom said. "This is the one." My grandmother said. I watched as she started to cry.

"No, Grams. Stop. You're gonna make me start to cry too." I said trying to stop from tearing up. But, it was no use. I was guaranteed to cry whenever I saw my grandmother crying.

"You guys really like this one?" I asked again. I was certainly shocked that they loved it. But, at the same time relieved. I was in love with it and I knew they probably would have.

"Yes, this is perfect. My little girl looks absolutely amazing in this." My mom said grabbing a tissue. "So, does that mean a yes?" The dresser turned to me. I nodded. "That means yes." I said smiling and turning back to the mirror. Running my hands down my side and looking at the lace that flowed all the way to the bottom. It was perfect. It was everything I hoped for. Everything I had envisioned to have for my wedding day.

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