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Y/n's POV:

"Alright, who's ready to play?" I turned seeing Daniel with a soccer ball, finally joining us. We figured we'd have my nephews over for the evening to give my brother and his wife a break. The boys have been begging to play soccer since Daniel showed them some trick shots.

"Yes! So ready!" Ashton said hopping off the couch running towards their direction. "Auntie y/n, do I really have to put on shoes?" Michael whined dragging himself off the couch. "Yes you do. You don't want sand-spurs in your feet. Remember last time? You had so many stuck in there." He sat in front of me and handed me the shoes to help him without any fuss.

"Aunt Y/n, we should invite Ethan over! He's good at soccer!" Ashton said coming up to me, I was surprised by his comment. "When did you see him play?" I asked him. "After you guys hugged and played hide and seek."

"You what?" My head whipped towards Daniel. "Y/n? Can I talk to you?" He motioned to the kitchen. I sighed. "Okay boys, why don't you practice outside?" I told them. They nodded their heads and walked out to our fenced yard.

I met Daniel in the kitchen sitting at the bar stool. He turned around, he had the most serious face. "You hugged him?" He asked me.

"Daniel..." I started. "Don't Daniel me!" He responded loudly. "Daniel, he's one of my best friends. I literally hugged him, I didn't make out with him! Or sleep with him! Besides I haven't seen him in forever!" I retorted back annoyed that he didn't like it. I wasn't ready for this stupid thing to be blown out of proportion. "I've known him for all of my life! There's nothing going on between us. He's like a brother, Grayson too." I ran my hand through my hair and sighed with frustration.

"I'm sorry I overreacted. I just love you so much." I hopped off the bar stool walking to him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, "If you loved me so much, you wouldn't act crazy when something so small happens." I pouted. "I know I know, I'm sorry." He said again. "You're the only one for me baby." I reassured him before giving him a kiss. Pulling away, I smiled. "Now, don't leave those boys hanging." I said. He laughed and joined them outside.


It's been hours since what happened with Daniel. It was something I've never seen before. I've never seen him so jealous. I was really surprised about his reaction. I mean, what was there to be jealous about?

Daniel left for shift at the firehouse. He was supposed to be staying there for about a week and overnight as well. So, it was just me and the boys alone at the house for the night.

"Alright you guys, go pick out a blanket and pillow for the movie!" I said just as I heard the doorbell ring. I headed to the door, wondering who that could be. I peered through the peephole. What were they doing here? I opened the door and saw Ethan and Grayson. "Um, hey guys." I said surprised leaning against the door frame. "What's up?"

"We just wanted to see if you wanted to hangout." Grayson said. "Auntie Y/n! We've got them." Michael yelled. I turned and said to them, "Just sit on the couch and wait for me please!" "Oh, is this a bad time?" Ethan asked rubbing the back of his neck. "No, no. It's not. I just have the boys over today. I promised them movies and pizza tonight. You guys can join us? It'll just be me and them." I smiled.

"Are you sure? We don't want to intrude on your time with them?" Grayson asked. "No, it's fine really. Plus, it will be like old times." I smiled stepping to the side and letting them in.

"Alright boys, what kind of pizza do you want?" I asked. "Pineapple!" Ashton said. "No I want pepperoni!" Michael said. "You like pineapple too? My man!" Ethan and Ashton pounded fists causing me to chuckle. "Gray, what'd you like?" I asked. "Anything is fine y/n." He said before slipping off his shoes.

"You guys can pop in the movie while I call the order in." I went off into the other room that peered over to the living room watching Ethan and Grayson play with them. It was cute to see the two of them with younger boys. They were really good with children, which wasn't a shocker.


We had just ended our second movie. The first one Peter Pan and the second one, Monsters Inc. I looked over to my right to see Ashton and Michael, they were passed out. Grayson was as well, even snoring. I looked to my left and saw that Ethan was still awake and on his phone.

"You're still a night owl I see?" I whispered to him. Looking at me, his face more visible as the phone screen was bright. "Yeah, always have been." He said smiling, shutting off his phone. "Grayson's still an old woman and passes out early right?" I joked looking between him and Grayson. Ethan chuckled at my remark, "Yes he is. He goes to bed at like eight while I am still thriving at that time." I just chuckled and shook my head remembering all the times in our childhood that he would call me up to go somewhere in the middle of the night.

"Remember that time you called me at 2:00am and you wanted to go on some type of adventure? So, we went and hit up the 24 hour jiffy store down the road. Getting thirty dollars worth of food and trying to sneak back into my house with all of it?" I said, Ethan started laughing. "I remember that. We woke up the next morning and your mom was towering over us asking us if we robbed a store."

"What about that time that we managed to lock ourselves out of the house and ended up hurt? All because you were rushing me to hurry up, so I left without a key and hopped out of the window." I said remembering the crazy shit we did. "And then you hurt your ankle so bad playing soccer. I ended up Carrying you on my back to the Urgent Care that was like two blocks away from Chris's house." He said with a chuckle. I tried my best to stifle the laughs that were coming out of my mouth, but I failed. I looked over at Michael and he started stirring.

"Look what happened Big Mouth y/n." Ethan joked. I hit him in the arm. "Hey now, don't bring up that nickname again, Etee?" I smirked before getting up and going over to Michael. I scooped him up in my arms. "I'm going to put them in bed. Can you grab Ashton? He's not too heavy for 6 years old." I added. Ethan gently grabbed him and we both walked into my bedroom and tucked them in.

I quickly went to the hall closet and grabbed another pillow before walking over to Ethan. "You are more than welcome to crash here. Since Grayson is already passed out." I insisted. "Are you sure? I can just wake his ass up. We don't want to intrude anymore than we have."

"Ethan, you guys are fine. Besides, the boys would love to see you guys again. They love you." I smiled handing him an extra pillow. "There's a guest bedroom down the hall or you can stay over here on the couch." I placed an extra blanket on it. "I'll be fine just here. Thanks Y/n." He came closer to me and hugged me. "Your hugs aren't soul crushing anymore." I said laughing. "You like my hugs don't you?" He let go smirking. "Oh whatever E." I pushed his shoulder.

"Goodnight Ethan." I said before walking away.
"Goodnight Y/n." He responded, I could hear the smile in his voice as he walked in the opposite direction...

Man from above (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora