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Y/N's POV:

After today's events, I didn't know if I really wanted to have company or not. I didn't know if I wanted to be alone to wallow in my tears or to have people around me. I just didn't know. I was emotionally tired and I think that they knew that. So, I guess them coming over, per Cameron's request, was supposed to be some type of distraction for me in the meantime.

I sat on the couch and just clicked through the channels to find something that could have possibly caught my attention. But, nothing really was. I felt like my thoughts were just clouding everything that I could have found interesting. I was thinking of so many things.

First thinking of what would happen when I tell my family. What would they react like? Will they feel pity? Anger? Sadness? Disappointment? I didn't know and that was what scared me. I couldn't possibly know what they would do. I didn't know how my grandfather, stepfather, and brother were going to do. Would they go after Daniel? Would they do something to him?

Then I was thinking of what lies ahead for me. I've had my life torn apart in less than twenty four hours. I wasn't just easily worked into this new life of mine. I was hit by a fucking bus of hardships. I was now alone. No one that I could fall back on, when I needed them most. No one to love me for the flaws that I had.

Lastly, I was thinking about Ethan. I was thinking about what had happened prior. Reflecting on all of the things that he has done for me when I returned home. The way that he treated me like I was the only thing that mattered in his life at times. I remembered the conversations that we had late at night whenever I was home alone. Laughing like I had never done when I talked to Daniel, everything was always so serious with him. I remembered the way that he looked at me. I remembered how when he touched me, I wasn't afraid like I was when Daniel would glide his fingers across my skin. I accepted his touch and never feared for what was going to come.

I still remembered his words, "I could have chosen someone else to love, but I always chose to come back to you. It's always you in the end Y/n..." Thinking of how much those words have not left my mind since he said them.

Not to mention the fact that he kissed me. This is probably something that is going to sound so cliche, but I can't deny that I didn't feel something. It wasn't just something that made me feel nothing. But rather, I felt everything. I felt passion...lust...desire... Everything. Never in a million years would I have thought that my best friend would love me. Me? Out of all the people in the world. His best friend that grew up next to him all of his life. The girl next door that was into softball, fishing, and four wheeling.

Out of all the things that I recalled on, I didn't find relief in reminiscing in the past. But rather, I was scared. Scared of many things. And do you know what scared me the most? The fact that I may actually love him too...

Cameron's POV:

"Okay, so I've got the beer." I said putting it on the counter. "And I've got the food." Grayson said placing the bags on the counter as well. "And I've got our overnight bags." Ethan said as he placed them on the floor.

I turned to y/n as she was crossing her arms around herself and just staring at the bags Ethan just put on the floor. "Y/n?" I asked. She looked up and shook her head, "Oh, sorry." She said half smiling.

"Are you okay?" I asked her walking up to her putting my hands on the shoulders. I was making sure that she was looking at me. I stared at her eyes, it was almost sadness and emptiness that was there.

"Y-Yeah, I'm totally fine." She said to me. Wrong. She was lying. "Okay, so do you guys wanna get some food and then go to the living room? We can pick a film out there?" I suggested. "Yeah, that's fine." Grayson said.

We all grabbed our food and made our way to the living room. I immediately sat on the sofa next to Grayson, leaving Ethan and Y/n having to sit next to each other. I noticed a hint of red rush to her cheeks as they sat down next to one another. It was cute, I'll have to admit.

"So, action?" I asked scrolling over Black Panther. "Already saw." Y/n said before taking a bite. "Scary?" I clicked on Insidious. "Saw." Grayson said. "Comedy?" I asked hoping that they would at least pick this one, which just so happened to be Grown Ups. "Saw this one too Cam." Ethan said.

"Okay, what movies have you guys not seen?" I asked them. They shrugged, "Okay, how about Romance?" I scanned over the movie, To All The Boys I've Loved Before. I raised my eyebrows in question. "Sure." Grayson said.

"To All The Boys I've Loved Before it is."

Y/N's POV:

"God, you were never second best." Projected from the screen as I watched the film. I watched as Peter walked away. It seemed all too familiar. I swear that scene paralleled my life. Having Lara Jean spend her time dropping hints as to everything that she felt. Peter, on the other hand, so blind to see that she had been falling in love with him.

Then when the time came that he loved her back, he blew it. I was Peter. I was Peter and I crushed Lara Jean's heart. I crushed it with any chance of becoming something. I was too blind to notice that he was in love with me. I was too involved and couldn't notice how great of a person he was over time.

I watch the scene as it progressed and watched the heartbreak that paralleled my life completely. The scene that made me feel guilty, sad, and lonely. I side-glanced and saw that everyone had their eyes focused on the movie.

I bit the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from crying. But failed, I ended letting out a sob. "You okay?" Ethan said sitting himself up. I looked at him teary-eyed. "I-I can't watch this." I said getting up with my blanket. Walking quickly to my room, closing the door behind me and lying on my bed. I grabbed the pillow and held it close to me as I cried.

Crying out of sadness and guilt. Sadness was expected for me to feel. Who wouldn't be sad that they are no longer in a relationship with the person that they thought were the love of their lives? Who wouldn't be sad that they were cheated on?

Guilt also had flowed throughout my body. Guilt that I hadn't noticed it when we were fifteen. I never noticed that he was infatuated with me. Maybe it makes me selfish, but I wouldn't be in this position if I had just noticed it. I wouldn't be here crying over what happened to me. I wouldn't be here crying over the guilt that I felt by not seeing it sooner. I wouldn't be feeling this way.

But instead, maybe I would be different. I would be loved by someone who truly cared about me...


Hey guys 80 votes and the next chapter will be posted ASAP!

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