Bonus Chapter

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"You, Mr. Ethan Dolan, are a very bad influence." I said shaking my finger at him as we went back inside his house. "Finally you guys are back!" Cameron said walking up to ya. "Woah, what in the world did you guys get?" Grayson said coming up behind Cameron.

Ethan and I looked at each other and laughed. "We may or may not have almost bought the whole record store." Ethan admitted as he placed the bags over on the table. I did the same as well. God, it felt like I was carrying an elephant. Okay, maybe I was exaggerating.

"Ethan is a bad influence." I said flat out. "No, I'm not!" He tried to defend himself, but failed. "You know DAMN WELL that you are Dolan. You kept on encouraging me to buy more. You were like, 'Oh look at this beauty!' 'Oh, I think you need to get this!' 'This one is calling your name y/n!' I probably should've stopped at ten." I admitted going through the bag.

"Well, how many did you walk out with?" Cameron asked. "Um, thirty?" I admitted. The look on their faces, "E, why did you let her get so many?!" Grayson said hitting her arm. "She has a wedding to pay for, you idiot!"

"Listen, I paid for some of it. Calm down." Ethan said. I just shook my head and got out the three records I needed to give each of them. "Okay, calm down DAD." I emphasized as I handed over the record that I got for him.

"Here you go." I placed what is the best record ever. "How did you get this?" He asked. "One for you." I placed Cameron's in her hand. "And one for you." I said giving Ethan his.

"You got me the new Rex Orange County album! No way!" Cameron said looking at it in awe, then giving me a hug. "You really did not get this." Grayson said once again as he literally drooled over the limited edition Satellite Flight: The Journey To another Moon I got for him. "Yeah, you wouldn't shut up about how the album was so good when we went to the cliff a couple day's ago. So, I had to get it for you."

"Y/n..." I turned and looked at Ethan. "You seriously did not get me this." There laid in his hands was the signed tame impala album, Currents, that was in the display case at the store.

"I know how much this was and you paid that much for it??" I laughed. "I may or may not have talked down the man a little bit. And he knew my grandfather." I shrugged. "You're absolutely mad. You know that right?" He said before giving me a hug. "Oh well." I smiled and hugged him back.

"Okay, let's test this bad boy out." Grayson said taking the record out of the sleeve. Cameron soon followed. Then Ethan and I did as well.


Hey guys, I know it's been a while. But, I'm currently editing Man From Above and thought of this crazy idea. I thought I should include bonus chapters, for like so fillers. I just feel like I could've done more, so here I am. Here is the first bonus chapter, hope you like :)

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