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Grayson's POV:

"Ethan!!" I yelled as I looked around the house for him. Where the bell was he? I checked the kitchen, nothing. The living room, nothing. The gym, nothing. "Ethan!!" I said walking from my room to his. "In here!" I heard him say. He was in his room.

"Did you see this?!" I chucked my phone on the bed and he picked it up. We're in deep shit. He's in deep shit. "Ethan Dolan videotaped drinking at a Karaoke bar and dedicating song to a possible ex." Ethan read the headline.

"Grayson, what's the problem with it?" He asked. "You're serious right? What is the problem?" I said yelling at him. How could he not see what the problem was?

"The song! The whole, 'dedicating this to the stupid bitch that broke my heart!" Seriously, what was he thinking?

"Grayson, this is not the biggest thing in the world." He groaned. "E, you literally confessed that you were in love with someone! Now you have everyone speculating who it is! The fans are going crazy." I don't think that he really understands how much of a big deal this is. This is gonna create mayhem.

"Relax, I'll just say I was re-enacting a scene from a movie. It's as simple as that. Also, it's been how long? I'm surprised that it didn't come out sooner." He said getting up. "Let's fucking hope so Ethan." I said before leaving the room. I heard footsteps behind me, "Wait a second, I meant every single fucking word I said. Maybe I shouldn't retract my words."

I turned around and saw him. He looked pissed, "Really Ethan? You really hate Y/n?" I stopped myself from saying anything else. I knew if I did, I would hit a nerve. "Why wouldn't I? Stupid bitch broke my heart." He said emotionless before turning back around. I stood in shock. He didn't mean that right?

Y/N's POV:

"Did you see this?" I looked over the Luke as he entered the kitchen. "Ashton, Michael, go play outside with mommy and Grammy!" Luke said, which they surprisingly didn't put up a fight. They've been acting like little shits lately, but they're boys. So, gotta cut them some slack sometimes.

Luke passed me his phone as I sat on the bar stool. I saw a news article and video. "Youtuber, Ethan Dolan, seen singing about a possible ex at a Karaoke bar." I clicked on the video right away. There I saw Cameron and Grayson in the crowd. I watched some more and saw Ethan hop on stage. Was he drunk?

Few second to by and I hear him say, "Before I start, I'd like to dedicate this song to someone." He said raising his glass up in the air. Okay, he was obviously drinking. I watched as he placed the microphone on the stand and tried to center himself on the stage.

He continued, "This is dedicated to the stupid bitch that broke my heart." What? I looked up at Luke and paused the video. "I wonder who that stupid bitch is." He said. I pressed play on the video again. The people that were around him started to cheer. They were chanting something, "fuck that bitch". Seriously?

I pressed pause and shut the phone off. "I can't watch anymore." I slid the phone to him. "Seriously y/n? You were getting to the good part." He chuckled. Was he actually serious? He thought this was funny?

"Luke, what's so fucking funny about this? Seeing him make a fool out of himself? Especially when he looks like he is hurting? Oh yeah, so fucking hilarious." I snapped at him. He looked at me in shock, then furrowed his eyebrows at me. A moment of silence between the two of us, I didn't know what was gonna come out of his mouth.

"You're the stupid bitch that broke his heart, aren't you?" He gasped. I sighed, I should've known that he was gonna get it. I knew he wasn't fucking dumb.

"You kissed him? Slept with him?" I shook my head and he quickly asked me questions. "You're literally getting married to Daniel in 459 days! You got together with one of your best friends? That's kinda l-"

"Will you just shut up and listen to me?" I said rather loud. I looked around and saw that everyone was outside still acting like normal. "First of all, I did not cheat on Daniel. Second of all, I think I am that stupid bitch that broke his heart. So, would you let me fucking explain?" I said rather pissed off.

He nodded his head, "So, I didn't know this until recently... But, he's been in love with me since we were like fifteen." I said running my hand through my hair. "Well, no fucking shit." What? "You knew?" I raised my voice again. "Yes, of course I did. I'm your older brother. I know everything. Plus, we all basically grew up together. I saw the way that he looked at you then and now. It hasn't changed one bit."

I sat there shocked. He knew all this time and didn't say anything to me? "Anyway, go on with your story?" He sat himself on the counter top. "So, Danny came to me one night and said that he feels threaten by them..." I said in almost a whisper. "Them?" He asked. "Ethan and Grayson..."

"So, what did you do?" I sighed and looked at my hands, "I may have told them that I can't see them anymore..." silence. There was nothing but silence. I looked up at Luke and he was shaking his head.

"Well, say something!" I threw my hands in the air. "You fucked up. You fucked up big time, Y/n. I can't believe you had basically told them, 'I can't see you guys because of my fiancé feeling threatened'. Do you know how fucked up that sounds?" Okay, well he was pissed.

If only he knew the whole entire reason as to why I had to let go. Why I had Daniel make that decision. Why I was afraid to not say no to doing that. Why I was doing everything I was doing.

He hopped off the counter and stood in place. "You've got to realize that you just threw away one of the best friendships that you've ever had. You have known the two of them for all of your life and know Daniel for only part? If I were you, I wouldn't have done that at all." He said before going into the fridge and grabbing a beer.

I just sat there in silence, thinking. He was the second person to tell me what I had fucked up. Maybe I truly did. I watched as he went to the back door to the patio. He stopped and turned around. "Also..." He started before taking a sip of his Corona. "I always wished it was the two of you in the end. Especially when we were growing up." He opened the door. Wait, me and who?

"Wait, me and who?" I asked hopping off the stool and walking towards him. I needed to know the answer. I needed to know it now.

"You and Ethan."

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