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Y/n's POV:

"Cameron, it's noon already. What are we going to do?" I asked plopping myself on the couch. Cameron and I had a girls night as it was my final night alone in the house. Daniel was coming back tonight. So, we figured that we would make the most of it before his return home.

"We should have a pool party!" She suggested. "Nah, I don't feel like interacting with people." I said looking out the sliding glass door which led to our backyard. "We could bother the boys and go somewhere." She suggested. It didn't sound like too bad of an idea. "But, where the hell are we gonna go?" I groaned knowing that we cannot make up our minds at all. She stood in front of me holding out her hand, "I don't know, but let's just start with asking them if they want to do anything." I grabbed her hand and got my ass up.

Ethan's POV:

"What do you mean we have to go to New York?" I asked Grayson. "We've got meetings there. Did you not realize that we have to work still? We've got other shit to do Ethan." He said. Damn it, he was right. We weren't here just to be on a normal vacation where we didn't have to worry about anything. It was always about work, whether we liked it or not.

"When do we leave?" I looked up at him. He read the note some more, "Tonight." What? "Damn it, I hate this." I got up and slammed the door behind me before plopping myself onto the bed. After five minutes, I heard a knock on my door. "Grayson, go the hell away man." Not breaking my eyes away from my phone. I wasn't ready to argue with him anymore. "It's y/n." What? What is she doing here?

She came in and sat right next to me. "Grayson told me." She said monotoned. "What?" I asked confused. She nodded. "You guys are leaving?" Her eyes fixated on the floor. "Yeah, we are unfortunately." I sighed running a hand through my hair. "For how long?" She asked me. I didn't want to look at her, I knew she was sad. I knew her heart was breaking that her best friends were leaving yet again. "I don't know." I managed to get out. "They don't tell you prior to your arrival? That's a little weird." She said looking up at me and meeting my eyes. I knew she was hurting inside a little and didn't want to show it.

"I don't want to go." I got up from the bed. "Ethan, you have to go, it's your job." She said to me in an attempt to comfort me. "What if I don't want to? They can't FIRE me." I emphasized getting up from the bed. "What if I don't want to do this anymore? What if I'm tired of having to do the same old thing? Going to the same meetings telling us things we should do and shouldn't. I hate what I'm doing right now. I'm 21, I've been in the spotlight for six long years. It is becoming too much for me to handle y/n. I can't even go to the grocery store around the corner from our house to go get something that I need. I want normal. I want a life like yours." I motioned to her.

"Well, my life is far from normal." She chuckled. "No, you don't get it. Do you know how bad I just want to get away? I want to be here, the place I love and know best. Closer to my family. I want the person I love to love me back. I want to have a house with them. I want to see them first thing in the morning when I wake up. I want a normal life." I sat down again with my head in my hands. "Woah, you like someone? I'm one of your best friends. I'm slightly offended that you didn't tell me!" She gasped holding a hand to her chest. "Oh shut up." I pushed her lightly chuckling.

"There's a smile." She said. It's like she knew she didn't have to try hard to make me smile. All she had to do was look at me and I would smile. Just thinking about her made me smile.
"You better get packed before it's too late man." She got up. "Wait, I didn't ask why you came here." I said stopping her. "Oh, Cameron and I were bored after our girls night and we wanted to see if you and Grayson wanted to do something." She half smiled. "Left me pack real quick, then we can do something." I smiled at her. She nodded and left me to be in my room.

Y/N's POV:

"So, Cam and Gray can't come for odd reason. I guess it is just you and me, Y/N." Ethan came out to the living room. "Oh, I'm driving by the way." He smiled and grabbed his keys off the hook. "So, where do you wanna go?" I asked him we got into the car. "Well, I was figuring it would be a surprise. Also, here you go." He reached in the back of his pocket and grabbed a blind fold. "Ethan, no. I don't like surprises." I whined attempting to have him tell me. He shook his head and handed me the blindfold. "Nope, take it and put it on." I grabbed it from him and put it on. "You know I really hate surprises." I crossed my arms.

"Yes I know, especially after the last one that I gave you. I tried my best on that, you know." He chuckled. "Which landed me in the hospital with a broken foot." I laughed. "Okay, it was not my fault that you had completely overreacted."

"Ethan Dolan. You dragged me to your house and up the stairs. You made me put my hands out, only to put a damn lizard on me. Also, it's not my fault your skateboard was literally behind me." I added. Silence. I was so right and he knew it. "You know I'm right, admit it." I chuckled. "Okay, okay. You are right, I'm wrong. Also, we are here." I could feel him put the car into park. "Don't take it off just yet." The car door closed and I heard my door finally open. He reached over and unbuckled my seat belt, grabbing my hand and helping me out of the vehicle. "Okay, just step up. I'll take it off." He said just before taking the blindfold off.

"Ethan... You did not?! You remember this place?" I looked up at him standing beside me. "How could I forget one of our favorite places? We would walk here after school some days. I would never forget your favorite place." He said to me. All of this, was so kind of him. I truly didn't deserve such a great friend. "Are you crying Y/n?"

"Um no." I wiped the tears on my checks, "I truly don't deserve you, Ethan Dolan." I hugged him. "And I don't deserve you, y/n l/n. Come on, let's go inside." He let go and we made our way inside the Record Store. The best place on earth. It even beats Disney World.

"Wow, this place hasn't changed one bit." I looked at the records lined the walls. "They still have the testing area!" I pointed out. "Oh, this is a dangerous place E. You know I'll spend hundreds of money here." I exaggerated just a little. "This trip is on me." He smiled, I immediately shook my head. "Nope, no way."

He grabbed my hand a dragged me to our favorite section, F. "I am treating you before I go away... Now, which Frank Sinatra and Foo Fighters album do you not have?" He asked as he looked through the cases. I just stood back looking at the sight of him rifling through the records like we used to do years ago.

All the memories flooded back on the times we would come straight here after school. All of those times we would come on release days just to listen to a new album from our favorite artists. Sometimes arguing over which song was better. It was almost as if history was repeating itself and I didn't mind it one bit. I loved this. I loved that we could still do the things we did when we were in school and still enjoy them. What I loved most, was that I was doing it with him.

The things we've done in the past week, Daniel would never take interest in doing with me. He doesn't even know about that part of my life. Never would he drop his day just to do something that I enjoyed. But, Ethan would. Ethan would remember the things I loved when I was younger. Ethan would go out of his way to make me laugh when I needed it most. Ethan would take me to places like these because I loved them so much. Ethan would do everything for me.

But, then there's Daniel. Daniel would take me out on dates to one of his favorite restaurants occasionally. Daniel would bring me with him as he hung out with the guys. Daniel would try to cheer me up by guess my favorite candy. He'd get it wrong, but it was a cute gesture. He would include me in going to see his favorite football team play.

The more I thought about it, Daniel did things for him mostly in this relationship. Ethan did things for me in our friendship. That's gotta mean something right?

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